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Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Quote: (07-22-2017 07:22 PM)StackGsMan Wrote:  

I can understand the whole why are these immigrants flooding Europe/the West type thoughts, but it is happening and will continue to happen. Do your best to integrate them or commit another Shoah, or else resign yourself to your fate.

We have no responsibility of, and no interest in, integrating them. We are not mass-murderers and don't want to wreck "shoah" on anybody. We just need to stop them (the illegal, Sub-Saharan mostly, migrants), and with a political decision it would be very easy to do: just a naval blockade along the coasts of Libya, and possibly Turkey (but we Europeans can strike a deal with Erdogan, easier).

As to this story, one has always to remember that, as a foreigner, one will make some local men jealous if one has obvious success with the local ladies. If it is in a drunken (like, in a bar) environment, more danger. If one is of a different ethnicity than the local men, more danger; if one can be mistaken for an illegal migrant, more danger again, and this wherever in the world.

It's like if, as a White European dude, I would travel to Egypt, enter a bar where a good-looking Nigerian waitress works, see a table full of Nigerian males looking sour, drunk and lonely - then game and appear successful with the Nigerian waitress. I would have compounded danger onto myself.

Lesson being: traveling men have to be aware of how other, native, men, will see them and react to them, when local women are at play: discretion and modesty are necessary... Also, this is why I don't travel to countries where my ethnicity is (for historical, political, whatever, reason) commonly disregarded or resented by most natives. Better safe than sorry!

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