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America's greatest export to Brazil

America's greatest export to Brazil

Quote: (02-02-2012 03:18 AM)pobreinvestidor Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2012 09:17 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

As has been said before, the bigger the city, the more fat people you see. In smaller cities people tend to be more in shape generally because they have time to exercise, while in SP and Rio many people work 12-16 hours a day and eat fast food because of lack of time to cook real, healthy food.

This is not very accurate... In Brazil, small town folks are slimmer because they are poorer. That is the only reason.

Fast food in Brazil is quite expensive, most people can't afford it. That's why Mcds is not in every small city there. People from those larger cities are fatter because there average wages and employment rates are higher so they choose to eat those whale makers

Actually, no.
Small towns in the south and southeast aren´t poor at all. You must have been thinking about the north and northeast of Brazil while typing this.

Having lived both in Sao Paulo and in small towns in the state of SP I can safely say that fast food intake is related to the amount of free time people have.
Most people in the countryside will eat at home with the family in most meals. That means they´ll eat real food cooked by their mother or wife.

In Sao Paulo, Rio and other big cities this tradition just doesn´t exist anymore, as few people have time to prepare their own meals.

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