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Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore


am planning a 4 to 5 day break in KL or Singapore in Oct/Nov. i've never been to either.

can someone please comment and compare both in terms of overall quality of the city, nightlife and especially attractiveness of girls and how easy they are?? i'm white btw

I'm especially interested in the 18-25 y/o segment of the population, no cougars [Image: smile.gif]

if someone has any specific nightlife spots (bars, clubs) they can recommend would also be very helpful

many thanks!


Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Singapore.... just google clubs in singapore they are all well connected.

Quote: (03-26-2010 03:16 AM)zanetti Wrote:  


am planning a 4 to 5 day break in KL or Singapore in Oct/Nov. i've never been to either.

can someone please comment and compare both in terms of overall quality of the city, nightlife and especially attractiveness of girls and how easy they are?? i'm white btw

I'm especially interested in the 18-25 y/o segment of the population, no cougars [Image: smile.gif]

if someone has any specific nightlife spots (bars, clubs) they can recommend would also be very helpful

many thanks!


Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore


For a couple of days I would go to Singapore!
The financial centre Singapore is a nice, clean and modern city.
You'll find alot of Chinese, some Indians and Malays besides the locals. So the place is generally conservative socially.

I think you'll have better chances with the major foreign population living and working there.
I know Singapore has a pretty hefty nightlife with alot of bars and big-ass clubs. It can be quite expensive dough!
I can't recommend places or comment more on that...I never checked the scene out!

KL is a strict and conservative place, with the majority of the population being Muslims. So you have to work harder! "...but the sweeter the juice!!" :-) Unless prostitutes are youre "thing", 'cause there is alot of it in KL.

Which ever you chosse....good hunting!


Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I found both not so interesting. I was happy tro visit but would chose somewhere else in SE Asia over these places anyway. Lots of whore bars in both KL and Singapore.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I am thinking about going to Kuala Lumpur this summer as part of a larger SE Asia trip. Not sure yet.

I have been to Singapore for a few days and really liked it (only had two nights to go out properly). It is not bad for white guys.

Singapore has an extremely high standard of living and a diverse and interesting culture (although Chinese culture/ethnicity is kind of dominating). Also, it is good for shopping (though not really cheap being a rich country). Girl-wise you have lots of average Asians with only a few really hot girls. Not really spectacular by any means.

Concerning nightlife, I think that Clarke Quay is a safe bet. Lots of bars and clubs around. Just take your pick. Also, lots of life in the streets there during the night. I also was at the bar up in the Swissotel The Stamford. Nice place with a great view. Crowd was expats and tourists there and mostly 30+.

What annoyed me the most was that chewing gum is banned...

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I agree with Gringo; those places aren't that interesting... if you can you should go for some other destination in SE Asia.
Just throwing out some of my favourite places in SE Asia for clubbing and nice girls ...Saigon (HoChiMinh), Hong Kong and Tokyo. But you might skip Tokyo for now!!


Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Most people wouldn't consider HK or Tokyo SE Asia. Best spot in SE Asia for partying and girls is Bangkok.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I just killed three weekends partying in KL and Singapore. You can party like a rockstar in both places buts it's expensive and I'd say generally the girls are pretty conservative compared to the US. They may dress up like skanks but you don't see many people hooking up in clubs. I can't really even remember seeing anyone making out.

In KL I went to Zouk twice. The cover charge was something like $20 US which included one or two drinks. It's a nice place inside, loads of Chinese girls many of whom are hot. As I said though it didn't seem like much of a hook up place.

I also went to Asian Heritage Row in KL, there are a bunch of bars there. Again, lots of people just looking around at the club I went to, no one really hitting on each other.

In Singapore, it was much of the same only more expensive. I paid I think $25 to get into one of the bigger clubs (it use to be the Ministry of Sound, now it's called something else - can't remember). The girls in Singapore were even worse than in KL, I guess because Singapore is a wealthier country girls act more like they do in the US. Again, I didn't see many hook ups. There were some decent looking Chinese girls there. You could day game there as the entire city is just a big fucking shopping mall. I don't think the girls are overall that great, I didn't see that many hot ones compared to Saigon, Jakarta, Bangkok.

Overall, I wouldn't go back to either KL or Singapore to party. It's just too expensive. It's much more conservative than the US. I don't think the hook up culture has really taken hold in either place. I don't recommend either place for partying, for the price you could party in London or HK or Tokyo. I was disappointed especially since I hooked up with a Singaporean Indian girl when I was in Bali so I figured at least I could get a little action, but nothing at all.

Also, avoid the Indian clubs as the guys are overprotective of any women they are with and you will invariably end up in a fight with some fat Punjabi dude. They are backwards as fuck.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

i did a full write up of my time in KL (combined with going to Bali and Jakarta) when i got back in october last year

based on that experience i would only recommend KL for the food, definitely not the girls - good to spend 2/3 days there for the experience and then move on...

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

KL has better looking girls than Singapore. Enough said.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Quote: (02-01-2012 09:52 PM)Raoul Wrote:  

KL has better looking girls than Singapore. Enough said.

Definitely disagree with this.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Been to both; for a short trip, stick with Singapore and its clubs. I personally like the rawness of KL better, street food, markets, proximity of beaches. Singapore probably has hotter, more dressed up Chinese women, but that's due to wealth. Malaysian women are definitely more "exotic," IMO. Malaysia is a Muslim country, so that will tone things down. (the flag is a Islamic Crescent on a US flag). And like Nomadic dude said, Singapore is "just a big fucking shopping mall." It's kind of true. Make sure to hit Raffles.

And yes, I brought gum to Singapore, chewed it, then threw it on the ground.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I had to get my visa renewed while living in Thailand and everyone from Malaysia was leaving to go party in Hat Yai, Thailand. I cant speak for Singapore, but I would probably stay away from KL especially if you like to party

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I don't know which clubs you went to. But all my friends agree that KL has the better looking (Chinese) girls. I am based in Singapore (I am not Singaporean). And KL is pretty near from Singapore. The Chinese Singaporean girls are downright ugly. They are flat-chested and have flat noses. This is due to their ancestors - the Chinese coolies (the lowest rank of Chinese at that period).

If you see good looking girls in Singapore, most likely they are from China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, or any other neighboring countries. These are normally students or college graduates who are currently working in Singapore. It's very rare you see good looking Singaporeans.

And if you are white, it's easy to pick up Malay girls in Singapore, especially in clubs like Attica or Le Noir. The Malay girls here are into white guys because they think white guys make much more money (it's true if you are working in Central Business District, generally finance). And also partly, it's because the Chinese here don't prefer to settle down with Malays due to cultural differences (Chinese look down on Malays here). Also the Malay men here are considered lazy and unsuccessful financially (racial stereotyping) that the women are going after "the better breed".

Quote: (02-01-2012 09:54 PM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2012 09:52 PM)Raoul Wrote:  

KL has better looking girls than Singapore. Enough said.

Definitely disagree with this.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

You have to know the people if you want to party. If you go there as a tourist, you won't get much action.

Quote: (02-01-2012 11:34 PM)HotShit Wrote:  

I had to get my visa renewed while living in Thailand and everyone from Malaysia was leaving to go party in Hat Yai, Thailand. I cant speak for Singapore, but I would probably stay away from KL especially if you like to party

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

You didn't hang around with the right crowd. If you were, you'd see more hotter, dressed up Chinese women in KL than Singapore.

Quote: (02-01-2012 10:38 PM)46. Wrote:  

Been to both; for a short trip, stick with Singapore and its clubs. I personally like the rawness of KL better, street food, markets, proximity of beaches. Singapore probably has hotter, more dressed up Chinese women, but that's due to wealth. Malaysian women are definitely more "exotic," IMO. Malaysia is a Muslim country, so that will tone things down. (the flag is a Islamic Crescent on a US flag). And like Nomadic dude said, Singapore is "just a big fucking shopping mall." It's kind of true. Make sure to hit Raffles.

And yes, I brought gum to Singapore, chewed it, then threw it on the ground.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Quote: (02-02-2012 12:35 AM)Raoul Wrote:  

You didn't hang around with the right crowd.

I certainly thought I was with the right crowd, having been invited to talk on the top (private) floor of Petronas Towers. Oh well. Maybe they were hiding them from me. I'll certainly defer to you. So the minority Chinese in Malaysia have a reputation for being hotter women? Maybe its all the Durian.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Petronas Towers is not where hot chicks there hang out.

Quote: (02-02-2012 10:08 AM)46. Wrote:  

I certainly thought I was with the right crowd, having been invited to talk on the top (private) floor of Petronas Towers. Oh well. Maybe they were hiding them from me. I'll certainly defer to you. So the minority Chinese in Malaysia have a reputation for being hotter women? Maybe its all the Durian.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

I found KL almost impossible the only girls that would talk to me were pros, In Singapore I met some local girls but never got further than an e-mail address.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Unless you're into the pro scene KL will likely serve you better. Both cities aren't great places to go when you have all of SE Asia as a playground however. Neither can hold a candle to Thailand.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

Singapore has a large non-pro scene. Like Bangkok, you just have to know where to go. I really enjoyed Singapore. The white girls there are hot. Can't really comment on the Asians.

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

If going to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore is part of a larger South East Asia trip, then don't spend much time in either, two or three days is enough.

You certainly shouldn't give a shit about getting laid in these places, seeing as you are on the doorstop to pussy paradises like Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam etc

Which is better: Kuala Lumpur or Singapore

The majority of white girls here are students from other countries.

Quote: (02-03-2012 05:36 PM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

Singapore has a large non-pro scene. Like Bangkok, you just have to know where to go. I really enjoyed Singapore. The white girls there are hot. Can't really comment on the Asians.

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