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America's greatest export to Brazil

America's greatest export to Brazil

Maybe we can hide weight loss pills big macs like hiding pills in cheese for dogs.

Fat acceptance is a monstrosity, and it should be trolled and shamed into submission. Certainly not exported, but I guess someone's gotta make money off it. It is a literal embodiment of the rationalization hamster; anything for a fat cow to avoid blame for their actions! "I ate tons of food and am now a disgusting lardo? Oh well, it's not my fault, you should accept me for who I am!"
[Image: 12753_o.gif]

Also while talking about medical magical cures, the heavier you are, the higher your BMR. If you stop eating goddamn cupcakes, you'll lose weight. It's not like when you're losing a tiny bit of stubborn belly fat, you can melt pounds away just by not eating disgustingly large portions. It's purely a lack of any willpower whatsoever on part of these people; they usually eat without hunger. It does not even matter what you eat; this guy ate junk food and lost weight:

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