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America's greatest export to Brazil

America's greatest export to Brazil

Quote: (01-29-2012 10:24 PM)Viralata Wrote:  

I have a different take on Brazil.

It's one of the few places I've ever been to that people don't seem to be overly body conscious. I find this to be refreshing. I have no problem with some fat chick wearing a tanga if that is what makes her happy, or some old raisin dude in a banana hammock. Will either of them pass the boner test? Hell no! But I'm stoked that they are out doing their thing and kicking it.

It's like all those people that order a triple angus bacon burger, giant fries, onion rings and then a small diet coke....who the fuck do they think they're kidding?! If you're not ashamed of your body thats a good thing. Too many people in US pay lip service to not giving a fuck. Brazilians, generally, truly don't. This is one of the reasons Brazilians are Brazilians.

In Brazil you have two names, the one your family gave you and the one your friends give you. The one your friends give you is usually directed at your most hideous or unflattering characteristic. I remember our fat friend Paola's nick-name was "Biscoitao", literally "big biscuits"...and man those biscuits were big! Did she care she was fat? no.... and neither did we...and we didn't pretend like she wasn't. Did she wish she looked like a model? I don't know cause I never asked...we were usually too busy congratulating her for squeezing all that dough into a skirt 3 sizes too small.

Political Correctness is the polar opposite of how people treat each other in Brasil. Not to say the govenment doesn't try to make over-reaching laws that control people's behavior, but if any one on this planet is good at doing exacly the opposite of what their government says its the Brazillians. Their solution to all the diversity and potential problems it can cause is to face it head on with a smirk. Is there racism? Classism? Sexism? Yes...but it is only a problem if you let it be.

People have to be free to process all the BS they get bombarded with on a daily basis. Brazilians have found a way to do it with a smile instead of letting their government and petty special interests infiltrate the way they deal with other people. I hope it stays this way...

Well said. Many here can be said to look at Brazil with "American" eyes. It requires a completely different frame, as you started to point out.

There are ways of thinking (and, god bless, feeling) that just can't go across and be compared between these two cultures. Raised with different set of values.

Congrats man, post up more.

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