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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

I'll try to keep it brief:

Good to be among men. I'm in my mid-20s and currently building myself up from close to scratch. Last three years of my life have been dominated by manic-depression and alcohol abuse. I've been brought to some pretty shocking lows (homelessness, detox, psychwards, treatment, etc) but doing much better now. My past troubles have presented me with a good opportunity to reflect on what kind of person I want to be and what sort of life I want to live. It's cliche, I know, but I really wouldn't trade those hellish years for the world. Gained some serious perspective. I'm now in a very good position to build my entire being up starting with the foundation. I'm very optimistic about what the future holds. Hopefully, I can provide some value to this community as I develop into a respectable person.

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