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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Thought I'd introduce myself here. I just graduated college and am using this forum as kind of a guide to improve my chances of getting by in the real world. I was a lurker for about six months before I joined the forum in January and am the typical young kid on here that recognizes American women are limited options for the long term. I'd say three events over the last 18 months led to me discovering this website and joining it.

The first was my longest LTR breaking up with me in 2015. It was a six month relationship, my only very serious relationship I've had with a girl. I won't lie, this was a time I was the most vulnerable and heartbroken, and more importantly looking back, my most beta. I regressed one of my last semesters in college in grades and quite frankly, was a bit of an alcoholic at the time after the break-up. But after a couple of months, I was able to move on from it because of the second event.

This was one of my best friends deciding to help me get over my ex. He was the first one to introduce me to red pill concepts. He threw me to the wolves in night game and made me cold approach as many girls as possible to get over the fear of getting rejected and to gain confidence. He took me under his wing, I started to learn a brand new concept on female nature and literally had to throw out all of my previous 20 years of "knowledge" I thought I had with girls. I'm no where near perfect now at game and still have a lot to learn, but I have a brand new mindset now and he took me out of the group of my bottom tier friends with women that are still virgins. Thanks to his teachings, I was able to get more dates with women over the next year and I was finally starting to have casual sex.

The third event that happened was that another friend invited me to go to Taiwan with him. This was my first trip to Asia and really the first time I traveled internationally without my family not in a resort. Once I got to Taipei, I realized what it meant to be tall and white in another country if you can game. I was pretty blown away by the effect I had on some women. I was getting indicators I had rarely received from girls in America before in one weeks time. I don't know a lot about game but I'm of the belief the more comfortable you are in an environment, the more confident you become. It may not work for everybody, but I genuinely believe I became better at game during my time abroad because I felt like I could be confident knowing these girls were more comfortable with me. I had a mindset and exposure that felt GOOD and it was something I craved to keep but knew would be harder to maintain in America. So when I found this site, I thought it would be the perfect place to try to figure out how to maintain this lifestyle, that feeling, and figure out where else to go.

Hope that wasn't too long. Looking forward to getting to know you guys!

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

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