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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I my case over 55 I am finding that with all the social media diversions for their natural attention whoring nature - that with young hot desirable women that I have to open with clear desire and intent to inseminate them - no intent to marry or provide - just inseminate them in a hardcore #trumpbabyboom way...

The following sets the tone the hotter they are ...

Best to never focus or go overboard on their looks or brains - only their fertility and then looks indirectly...

Deepdiver: 5 days ago
Ms. Real Redhead:

We should work on a plan to repopulate the world with more magnificent auburn beauties like you!

RealRedhead 4 days ago
Thanks? Haha.

Deepdiver about 3 hours ago (Note no thirst let several days go by).
Cell-text # to meet up?

RealRedhead replied about 2 hours ago (with her number)

Then I suggest a meet up by text at a museum for coffee, tea or drinks then bounce change venue and game on with the Priceline app pipelined in advance for hotel deals... Why a museum as meet up? - private - security and few if any thirsty orbiters like in clubs or martini cocktail bars - you walk around - get a bit lost with plenty of time to kino and then a coffee or drink and bounce... a few acted like what took me so long to go for it when we finally get to the hotel while I have them wait in the lobby - and I hand them a room Robe and suggest they go freshen up while I set the mood - a music channel or background movie... and go for the bang.

Here is another recent online approach:

Deepdiver 7 days ago
We should work on a plan to repopulate the world with more magnificent beauties like you!

HotSingleMILF 6 days ago
Thank you very much I am flattered ?

Deepdiver 6 days ago
Coffee, tea, or drinks?

Deepdiver 5 days ago
Cell-text # to meet up...

HotSingleMILF a day later...
Here is my # 123-456-7890

Point is I make my intentions clear that I want to meet up (really hook up) to inseminate them with no beating around the bush and then meet up in a high end venue with strong security - most modern adult museums versus kiddie museums - to see how they dress and respond (with class and grace or stripper ghetto sluts?)... the venue also lets me vett and suss them out to see if I even want to waste a random cum shot on them.

If no then most it costs me is coffee, tea or a drink or two and some time doing what I like to do anyways - and I only ever tell them I am into investments and never my job that I am a lead information security architect at a well known firm.

Learned the hard way - lead with provider vibe, nice dinners and get played - lead with mystery and intrigue as mentioned above - up front with I&I intent and get laid.

I also find that wine festivals are great as well - several days or a week long - typically at or near hotel venues and easy to bounce ... again leading with an in her face polite but direct Nuke Boats I&I - intercourse and insemination game.

In their face questions like are you married? Do you have Kids? Do you like kids? Want to go halves on a few?

It is so alien to them since most players go out of their way to avoid kids and commitment that it puts them off balance and triggers their lizard brain need to mate now primitive instincts.

I will say from 18 to 20 year olds they tend to freeze or ghost often but 21 and above out in the cold cruel world and they almost always act flattered - a few will shit test you a bit to make sure you are not a cut and paste net-bot - half the time done right I get the number and half of those will meet up... if you take your time to get back to them using abundance aloof give a fuck game helps then as well.

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