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Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:36 AM)slipnslide Wrote:  

Latino Heat, I had the same experiences with Tinder when I was there about two months ago. Pretty good quality, but much less matches than in other places in Latin America.

What sites are considered best for pipelining now? If you look at Latincupid and Mexicancupid, there are very few profiles on there compared to DR and Peru. Do Mexican chicks use some secret site gringos are not hip to? Or are they just not into meeting dudes online?

After a few days my tinder started blowing the fuck up, esp after I made some "mexican adjustments" (think less abs, more status), my tinder basically exploded last weekend, I have over 100 matches and more whatsapps that i know what to do with.

Tinder is still where its at it just takes time. I've really been focused so much on my online business, finding an apartment and hiring that i've hardly had time for chicks. I'm playing the slow roll this time instead of trying to fuck as many 5's as possible which is the classic gringo experience here, i'm slow working the 6s and 7s on Tinder.

Pata Negra is as shitty as ever if you don't have the "gringo look" and heaven on earth if you are (according to my blond tall friend)

Rodesia looks like its gotten out of style;

If you look more latino head to polanco suited up you'll do better and the girls there like rich guys more.

It still seems pretty easy here though haven't pulled yet. Suprising number of cuties at my coworking space but haven't built up balls to talk to them yet. My game once a girl is in the orbit is not bad, but my initial pickup at night and esp at day needs some work.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

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