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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 07:14 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 07:04 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:27 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The public reaction to this will say a great deal about the state of race relations.

There were hundreds of thousands of white people on the street when Trayvon Martin got shot. Will there be hundreds of thousands blacks on the street now or will they think "isn't my responsibility"? The same happens in Europe when muslims go nuts, there are never other muslims on the street to show support for the victims. This creates deep resentment since whites use public gathering as their number one way of showing support.

The difference is the majority of the public outraged have jobs. You aren't going to see hordes of blacks or Hispanics taking to the streets after this. I can't afford to miss work to march the streets...

Why not?

Don't bother doing that yet. Our SJW president is almost out of there. Trump will do something to that place.

We might as well start taking bets on if he will push a Federal Gun Carry permit for the whole country (including NYC), or just make one for Chicago. Would he be willing to send military to round up all the thugs the SJWs won't punish? I can see that possibility.

The truth is that cops take too long to arrive if someone is shooting. Having your own gun puts you on equal force standing. Saw a video of some recent thug in the Houston area trying to attack a person at a stop light. After he hit the glass on that person's car, shots came out, and like a pussy, he ran back to the back of his truck to cower and hide, like the trash he is. I am surprised this doesn't happen more often to be honest, but that is because most people here have enough sense to know that many people have a gun with them at all times. Random home invasions are somewhat rare here for that reason as well.

All these Chicago thugs would stop if a few people at any given time, pulled out their own guns on them, they would think twice about shooting around open areas killing babies and mothers walking around. It won't be a fast fix, because it would take a long time to get enough people trained and armed, but after a few years, it would make the crime numbers drop. Their home invasion numbers will drop as well if the typical home owner is armed.

We tried the Liberals idea of a civilized society/utopia for too long. The West was tamed by the Winchester 1873, and in 2017, America can be tamed by Trump allowing the handgun to be carried by all Americans.


A Covenant not to defend my selfe from force, by force, is always voyd. -Thomas Hobbes

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