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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-12-2016 01:13 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

First of all, "Whiteness" actually does expand, LITERALLY, not just figuratively. The genes are recessive and eat out other genes over time. Even Blacks are becoming Whiter over time.

Second of all, the Euros I envisage moving to America are not the left-wing types, but those who hate their countries because they've been taken over by radicals. Nearly 50% of every European country are voting "far-right" in their elections, these people will be eager to assimilate into patriotic Americans. I actually have some good friends from Europe who immigrated here over a decade ago and are very conservative/libertarian in outlook.

The leftist brainwashed aren't the types who will want to come to America, with all of our "guns and violence." Let the pussies stay in Europe, we want whatever bits of testosterone are left in Europe. Also, there will be plenty of women who get older and realize their left-wing beliefs were lies, such as seeing their friends get raped, and will tend to over-react by becoming ultra right-wing as well. Immigration properly done is a boon to the right but it's much more difficult. It's far easier for the right to ban immigration since 80% of the world does not share American values.

That still does not fix anything Samseau.

I think we are missing out on a core component here. This country is just not "family oriented" anymore. It's still very much a live fast and die young society and getting worse. The social policies alone, are not tuned for sustaining a society that wants to survive. We are currently not built for longevity. More and more young people want nothing to do with marriage, let alone child raising. Like Armenia4Ever posted, it just flat out costs too much.

There is plenty we can do with who we have here legally. Immigration as a perpetual policy was never going to work forever in America. Could America afford to never reproduce enough (in house) in the future and just keep importing new people in 200 years from now? What if America is an absolute joke internationally? Nukes are not people.

If Russia, China, South Korea, the Philippines, or other countries are the countries of choice to migrate to, what are you going to do? In 200 years this country could easily be half the population it is now with rusty shit everywhere, not just the rust belt. All these assets will lose most of their value and the land could get sold to other entities or countries. The Chinese have been buying skyscrapers and anything else they can get their hands on.

If America is not even in the top 5 countries GDP wise, will it still have a bunch of people just dying to get in? What about under the top 10 GDP? What if America is no better than it's Latin neighbors?

White looking people from other places are not going to fix something you are not willing to fix in-house. Once they get here, their kids will fall into the same trap (which is what Scorpion was trying to explain to us). Self destructive social policies or a lack of policy, are going to eventually undo any and all efforts you try to reverse. This is what I referred to as "Snowball effect".

We are seeing Japan, Italy, and similar places begin to collapse because they are smaller than us. The civilization of Easter Island and other civilizations that collapsed long ago, failed to realize the error of their ways, before it got out of control. Greenland people could not fix their soil fast enough. Easter Island people could not replant their trees fast enough. Japan nearly collapsed at one point in history due to stubbornness with their Shinto religion. Fortunately for them, they snapped out of it and nearly took control of Asia.

It's not too late to fix this country, but it will not always be destination number 1 or even number 2 forever. VP Biden caught heat for shaming Chinese International students for not staying after finishing their university degrees here. He could not understand why they would go back home instead of living here. Let's not fall into an arrogant trap like him with that same style of thinking. Those kids aren't stupid. They can see through the fakeness we puff ourselves up with. They know they would struggle alot here for basic things trying to keep up. They know it is harder to raise a family here.

Better urban and social planning can undo the damage, but only if people will be willing to invest in their own fellow Americans and for the long haul. Not just the next 5 years, like your typical American Corporation does. Real actual long term planning.

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