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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-12-2016 08:14 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2016 12:58 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

This is on top of the > 1 million immigrants that come here legally every year. Plus illegals.
There's 2 possible outcomes:

They all magically adopt limited government right wing values to some extent
USA is done. 8 years of Trump will be the last stand then the Marxists will have majorities in Florida and probably Texas. Obama has scheduled 110,000 muslims to be 'resettled' here in 2017, on top of the legal and illegal immigration numbers. That will easily make up for the margins Hillary lost by.

Are there many historical examples of non-whites running right wing governments? Or do they just vote left wing due to the obscene benefits system given to them in white countries? It looks very grim to me.

Something else I hadn't considered earlier in this thread:

If Trump does massive deportations, and allows greater immigration of White Europeans fleeing the destruction of Europe, then we can stall the demographic takeover for a lot longer.

I hate that idea. You would be trading one set of liberals for another. We do not have state mandated 6 weeks of vacation either. Almost all Americans also work 40 hours a week at a minimum. They are used to more handouts than any Latinos would ever be.

We need to stop looking at this from a color perspective. America needs to learn how to be self sufficient from it's own people. Anytime a country needs to import people to add value, they are starting the death process as a civilization. We don't need their shitty values. We don't need to constantly waste time trying to assimilate more groups, when we can barely assimilate a full 100% of blacks and latinos and they have been here decades.

Australia did tax rebates for all new babies for a while and now, last time I checked, they will be pulling it back, because it worked.

The average baby costs ~10,000 dollars in the US. The NYTimes had an article about this. We are the most expensive first world country to have a baby in. That needs to be fixed. I would gladly have 2 more kids if it would not make me ultra poor. Problem is, I am not poor enough Obamacare wise, to get a price cut. Only the poor here can have cheaper babies. It doesn't take a genius to see why that is a bad idea.

What is it going to take for this to change? A war with North Korea? Waiting until the last minute to fix bad social policy, is a terrible practice. Human children take a long time to raise and mature. If this country realizes it needs more births to make up for a large lack of people, the momentum of that negative effect will snowball. This is something people should have paid alot more attention to, but unchecked individualism had a curse, no one of major influence, was willing to point out.

A fundamental problem with America is that it will not be able to make adjustments that are in the "interest of the state", in comparison with countries that have more leeway and autonomy to invoke it's own interests (China, Russia, etc.), due to political correctness. If we can fix this PC phase, we might stand a chance at reversing this problem, before it hits the point of no return. Freedom costs. For every faggot dancing around producing nothing, it probably takes 4-6 more people taking care of business to sustain this. Problem is, gays are not the only people not contributing enough. Plenty straight people are not taking care of home (USA). They would rather worship stupid animals day and night (cats and dogs).

When will Trump have the gall and the leeway to have a "Grandpa Talk" with this country at a State of the Union Address and use math and statistics to paint the picture? Is he even aware of this? I don't know, but he still cannot make people do right, but he could help incentivize it possibly. That still might not work. Having that talk and offending 80% of the country might work better or just flat out backfire, but at the end of the day, Americans need to grow thicker skin and stop acting like little children. Last time I checked, Planet Earth still isn't fair and it is still a very dangerous place.

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