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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 11:19 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Who is to say we cannot raise kids smart enough to gain entry into a school like Stanford (liberal hellhole I know, it's an example), be athletic and in good shape, and have great sociable personalities? That father's son is who your kids will have to compete with. He is a citizen, he's smart, he's Christian, he's cool, and has no accent.

If your kid wants to major in Women's studies or basket weaving, who's fault is that? May not be the kid's fault at all. Now that we are "woke" we should know better on where to steer them. No matter what Satanic shit was on my university's campus, or even outside it, my Christian upbringing helped guard my heart. I eventually figured it out but I dread how awful I would still be if I did not learn the Bible as well as I did back then. I bet I would still be with my exwife and living through pure hell. Probably worse stuff than that, like dead because I loved to fight.

In the end, you cannot protect them forever, especially free minds and free will, but you could at least put them into a position where they can come back and still win.

Make no mistake. Samseau is right about white women. They turned their backs on Christ and his plan/design for their lives and are making them and their men pay the price. It isn't really a white problem. This could happen to any group with too much leisure and luxury (Baby Boomers especially). Blacks and Latinos are well on their way to the same fate, if not already actually. Their birthrate will drop like a rock soon enough if conditions continue. The culture here is just toxic if you do not diligently raise them right.

The Jews are not the only historic reference, to show the effects of degeneracy (Sodom and Gommorah). Athens(the Greeks) and the Romans have fiddles to play in these songs as well. It should not be an uncomfortable discussion, because it is a purely human thing to want to devolve into these destructive behaviors, when getting away from what you were designed to accomplish. If the shunning of God continues, he will simply just find someone else to do his work. He doesn't need anyone white. He doesn't need anyone at all. He will work with the faithful that keep his ways (values).

I agree with you that teaching your children technology is the key to success, but what's that got to do with sending them to college?

Why do they "need" Stanford and the like? The skills from tech is what they need, the Great Books can and should come from the father himself or through internet research.

The internet is going to replace all liberal arts schools, it's just a matter of time anyways.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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