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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 09:20 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Allow me a moment of despair here.

Even with Trump in the White House, even with all the forces of weaponised autism at our command, I seriously doubt this sort of thing is ever going to be dragged into the open. Conspiracy charges are very difficult to prove at the best of times, and the levels at which this sort of thing goes on are practically impenetrable even for bodies like the FBI, simply because they have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and circumstancial evidence is never going to be enough to take on the Clintons. Until you find a fourteen year old kid who doesn't have a history of a major drug habit and who manages to stay alive more than 48 hours after the story breaks, nobody is bringing these guys down.

I'm reminded of a panel from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. Commissioner Gordon is telling Yindel about the old conspiracy theory - some might say hidden history - that FDR had advance warning of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour and let the attack happen. Gordon compares FDR's decision to Batman's vigilantism on the rationale that FDR allowing the attack to happen got the US off its ass in time to stop the Axis powers. Leaving that aside - it's Gordon's remark that has stayed with me through the years: "Wasn't proven. Things like that never are."

There is no way in living hell that Hillary will ever be successfully prosecuted. 300 people will die mysterious deaths if needs be.

That kind of power does not come by a family that is worth a couple hundred million $. Trump does not have that kind of political and behind-the-scenes safety net and he is worth much more.

Clintons will always walk free even if Hillary is caught by cops strangling a 4yo child while Bill rapes a 5yo in the back.

They can do almost anything so long as no live vids or pictures get distributed of their vile acts on the net. And that will never happen since they are protected by the secret service at all time. The orgy island where Clinton went has probably even better security.

The Clinton crime team will go on pouncing on the next Haiti to make another 50 mio. $ off it. Hillary will be the feminist champion - 1. female presidential candidate. They will make more bucks. Their reckoning must come after death.

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