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Usain Bolt: Gold, gold-diggers and dead bodies..

Usain Bolt: Gold, gold-diggers and dead bodies..

I couldn't resist his lightning bolt


SPRINT superstar Usain Bolt broke his World Record in Rio by seducing a gangster’s girlfriend in nine seconds — after a gold medal performance in the bedroom.

Busty make-up artist Jady Duarte, 20, revealed how the fastest man in history wasted no time in making his move, after getting a nightclub aide to whisper: “Bolt is calling you,” reports The Sun.

Romance almost stalled after the Jamaican — who has a girlfriend — whisked her back to his room in the Athlete’s Village by bus, but he wooed her by dancing naked in the shower to Rihanna.

They also used Google Translate to swap sexy messages and he even pulled out his famous “lightning” pose.


The gold medal hero, who had been hitting the town on his birthday while celebrating a historic “triple” of titles in Rio, then completed another double — by bedding the student twice.

But his Olympic performance between the sheets almost false-started after he stopped their romp to take a phone call from his mum.

Duarte, who’s ex-boyfriend was a drug lord shot dead by Brazilian police, told The Sun: “Usain was an Olympic champion in the bedroom.

“I thought we had something going. But now I can see that he picks up women as quickly as he picks up gold medals.

“He has a really muscly body and took his time — he is a fast runner but he didn’t want to rush when we went to bed.

I felt honoured that he had picked me out and we had a great time. He was really good fun. I had no idea he had a girlfriend — I didn’t even recognise him in the nightclub.”

[Image: pimp.gif]


The running star, whose long-term love Kasi Bennett, 26, is at home in Jamaica, had already provocatively twerked with one girl and snogged another when he first set eyes on Duarte.

She had gone with another pal to All In at 1am, where the party girl knocked back vodka and Redbull in a VIP booth.

Lightening Bolt, dressed in a white T-shirt, blue jeans and Jamaican cap, sent a security guard to try and tempt her into his booth, but she rejected his advances as she didn’t recognise the sprinter.

But Duarte told how he pulled up his top to reveal his six pack to try and lure her over in the club.

She said: “He stood in front of us and suddenly pulled up his shirt and showed us his six pack. I had never seen anything like it. I just had to reach out and stroke it.

[Image: lol.gif] I'm dying here. How many RP truths & game principles you wanna cram into one paragraph? But wait, there's more!...


“It felt incredible. The muscles were as hard as stone. But I was paying so much attention to his abs that at first I didn’t even notice it was Usain Bolt.”

She finally fell for the sporting legend’s charms after he got the aide to try for a second time as she was preparing to hop in a taxi home outside of the nightclub at 5am (local time).

He got her in his cab and moved straight in for a kiss — after around nine seconds.

Duarte said: “The security man said to me: ‘Bolt is calling you’. I realised that he was the runner I had seen before on TV.

“He smiled at me and did the famous victory pose so I was in no doubt who he was.

“Why did I go with him? He was Usain Bolt after all!

“I sat next to him in the back and we kissed straight away — it was less than ten seconds, probably around nine. It was a very passionate kiss — it felt like he was trying to eat my face.

“We couldn’t communicate very well but the taxi driver helped translate for us. Usain said he wanted to go back to his flat. I knew he wanted to sleep with me.


I felt honoured he had picked me — I could not quite believe it. I was a bit scared but he was a fun guy and I enjoyed being next to him. We spent most of the time kissing.”

The pair, along with two of Bolts pals, travelled for 30 minutes in the taxi before arriving in Rio’s huge Athlete’s Village complex.

They were then forced to bump along on a five-minute bus ride, with four other gawping athletes aboard, to get to his room on the fifth floor of the Jamaican Olympic team’s building.

He snuck her up despite non-competitors barred from entry after 9pm (local time).

Duarte said: “They didn’t even question him, I guess because he is Bolt. I was surprised he didn’t take me to an expensive hotel but I didn’t pay much attention because we were kissing the entire way.”

[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]


He showed off his toned physique by stripping off and going for a shower early morning — after sticking Rihanna hit “Work” on his room’s music system.

The pair also used Google Translate to bypass the language barrier and swap sexy messages.

He also fuelled his sex session by getting a pal to bring him some toast.
Duarte revealed: “He put on her song then took his clothes off and had a shower. I am a really good tweaker and he was making me laugh by dancing in the shower.

“His room was pretty big, but he only has a bedroom with ensuite. It was also very messy — there were clothes everywhere.

“One of his friends brought him some toast after we had arrived.

“He came out of the shower and wrapped himself in a towel while I went in and also had a shower. I put on one of his tops afterwards — but then we began to make out again on his bed.

“We used Google but I didn’t need a translator to tell me that he wanted sex.”


But his latest conquest told The Sun: “We were kissing and cuddling in the bed when he got a phone call from his mum.

“We could not understand each other very well, but I realised it was her. He was on the phone for about two minutes and then we got straight back to the action.

I did not mind — he obviously cares about her very much.”

The pair then romped for 40 minutes — taking a half-an-hour break before having sex for a second time, again for 20 minutes.


“I really enjoyed our time in bed, we both had a lot of fun. I was expecting him to be fast but it was the slowest sex I have ever had.

“The music was on all the time while we were in his bedroom and he played Rihanna ‘What’s My Name’ as well as some reggae.”

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