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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:16 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And before anyone considers me again a cook - look at my posts before - my opinions are backed by Nobel Price laureates in medicine and other MDs - I did not suck it out of thin air or heard it from a hobo on the street. There is no end to which media, academia and government will not lie if it serves their agenda.

There's a percentage of people in any field you can think of who are very capable and intelligent yet believe in nonsense.

That a few AIDS denialist sympathizers have scientist in their title (who are not in AIDS research) doesn't change the facts. The Nobel winner was some political activist lady in Africa, I'm not sure why there is weight given to her opinion over say the guy who made my burrito today.

Of course media, governments etc lie- but like many other conspiracy theories, the believers do not have a capacity for nuance, so nothing is ever true or real if a majority thinks it so. But if the claim comes from 6 people on an obscure website, oddly, it will then be considered credible.

Americans are dreamers too

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