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Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (08-05-2016 06:32 AM)therealpoder Wrote:  

I agree with the two responses above.

It is easier for me to get a date spending an hour or two approaching 10-15 women than swiping right in a 100-150 profiles on tinder. The quality from day game is also higher too.

It's probably partially location dependent. I can send a few dozen messages out on OKC over a week and have a pretty solid chance of getting a date.

Daygame? I've done a decent number of approaches around here, both day and night, and the women are pretty much not receptive...they often simply don't even seem to understand the reason why someone not in their social circle would be talking to them.

Last weekend I opened this one early 30s girl in a bar and she just turned to me with a dead expression on her face and said "Huh? I'm sorry, what was the question?" I hadn't asked a question. She just didn't seem to understand why a man in a bar would be talking to her.

I've asked a couple of the girls I saw regularly from online in their late 20s/early 30s what they would do if a guy approached them during the day, and pretty much to a one their eyes would go wide and say "I...I have no idea. I dunno. That'd be scary. I'd just probably try to get away..." I've asked a number of couples I'm acquainted with how they met, and it's all the same reply: "through our friends/on Tinder/OKCupid."

If I ever heard someone say "He just started talking to me in a coffee shop" I'd pretty much keel over from shock.

New England is heavily feminist, so whats happening here is probably the future of the West. Young women are becoming hyper-introverted spastics, unable to interact with men in the real world without the social circle/online vetting process making them feel comfortable. I know this one dude who's in his mid 20s and looks like a male model, he's from EE...I feel kinda bad for him because 25 years ago all he'd have to do is pretty much walk into a club and start chatting up the first cute hoe he ran across and be in for the kill.

What's he up to now? He's showing me pics of a girl he's been chatting with for half a week on Tinder who's perhaps a "6.5" on a good day, asking me "What should I do? Do you think she likes me? I'm having trouble getting her to meet up..."

Sad times. It feels like the script is flipping to where approaching girls in real life is becoming not a "DHV", but a "DLV"; if you were a guy worth banging you'd have an Instagram account with a thousand followers. What are you approaching girls in bars for like some kind of creepy dinosaur from the 20th century?

I'm certainly not saying it's impossible, but in this area it's really hard to justify the repeated ego shocks of getting blown out and hostile rejections again and again on day/night game approaches when I can just sit on my ass in my home office, log on to the sites occasionally, and wait for that one DTF girl to show up in my inbox on average once a month.

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