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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-24-2016 01:59 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

It could be simply because there's more women hanging out in coffee shops but then I recall all the media articles about how women are overtaking men in education and I look back to my own experiences in school where it seemed like the girls would care way more about their grades and start freaking out if they got below a B whereas a lot of the guys would simply shrug their shoulders and go back to doing what they were doing. Have you guys made similar observations in your own life too?

Yes. Precisely.

One time I got a D+ in an advanced math class that I struggled in tremendously, because I always studied alone. I was proud of that grade, even though most of the other kids got better scores.

My buddy got a B. We never studied together due to schedule conflicts.

If I recall correctly, one of the girls seemed a bit upset she got a B-.

On a game note, the best place to run casual day game is in a college library. So many smoking hot Asian chicks studying (Daddy raised them right) that any solid gamesman could probably live carefree and more or less unemployed if his inner game is rock solid.

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