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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 03:01 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Plenty of people will also stop a fight if they're on the ground getting punched in the face. The question is would they show you mercy if the tables were turned, and whether they're just going to sucker punch you if you let them up.

Meanwhile he's throwing out all kinds of clever rhetorical tricks.

"Oh, look how much we agree on",

Also notice that he claims we're not going to get anywhere if the left keeps calling the right racists and the right calls the left socialists.

Obviously most people would welcome better relationships between races and parties.

But the left are the ones inciting racial tensions in the first place and destroying the country with their bullshit policies. To be clear, this also applies to the cuckservative right.

The point is, you can't just let up the moment these people scream mercy. They're scumbags.

I have noticed Al Sharpton, Van Jones and others race agitators have lower their presence and influence in the last 3 months, Sharpton is keeping a low profile now compared to end 2015, he was even claiming he would move to another country, Jones is young and thinks he can still have a future after Trump, Sharpton on the other hand knows there is not way he can do the same things under Trump presidency that he did under Obama's, not more trips to the White House, not more press conference in front of the White House, not more secret meetings about "police brutality" in the oval office.

He also own like 4 millions to the IRS in taxes that Obama has helped to keep it quite, but under Trump the IRS will ax him turkey neck. Shaprton never expected this to happens, he probability now wished he died with Obama in the presidency so he could have the president goes to his funeral and be buried as a "great civil right champion", now if he dies he would be remembered as nothing but a race agitator that made himself rich by sacrificing the people he claims to care about.

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:17 PM)Bear Hands Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:14 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Ivanka somehow turned the wage gap myth into a Trump talking point.

The most notorious whiners for the gender gap myth are single, and she crushed that by citing the number for single women with no kids.

e: They can't attack her on that with facts. The leftists would alienate mothers.

You can judge a man by how women talk and behave about him.

It was great Laura Ingraham mentioned she is a single mom, she knows single moms voters will identify with her, great move.

Also the way she mentions and even pointed at the media about how they pretend but really know why Trump won, epic move, you can even see people in the audience turn around and look at the people in the media, she and the republican base is learning from Trump.

She even stopped looking at the teleprompter, meaning that was off scripted.

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:19 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

It's the current year!

Delete your account!

This is not who we are!

Wrong side of history!

"WE are better than this"

"This is not who WE are"

Who is "we"? Obama and Hillary use the same terms, like we must adapt our mind and believe to theirs, Obama thinks there is not problem with mass uncontrolled immigration so we should too, Hillary thinks is ok to bring military age men we do not who they are so we must be ok with it.

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