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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (06-16-2016 10:38 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (06-16-2016 10:20 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

What a surprise - Alison Rapp was diagnosed as a BPD and is now blogging about it:

Only a BPD could cuck a man that hard.

Guaranteed she'll be off the medication in months. At her own word in that blog:


Borderline is vicious, and isolating. It makes me sad, and both literally and figuratively alone. And it is deadly: Estimates are that 1 in 10 people with BPD commit suicide.
But Borderline is also fun. I’m fiery and stubborn and indignant, and I don’t like being told what to do. I’m sassy, and I have a million favorites. Everything I love, I love a lot. Everything I hate, I hate just as much.


BPD medication is usually a drug cocktail of things like antidepressants and mood-stabilizers, and the medication I’m on right now has to be upped in dosage very gradually because otherwise deadly allergic reactions can occur. One of the main goals of the medication is to even out my temperament…but I sometimes fear that the higher, normal doses of the medication will, in the process of taking away the edge, also take away the fun.

You can't treat someone who doesn't want to be treated. I think she did sum herself up, though, in her gif choice:

[Image: 1*Ufavfj64oacnucEms8PPow.gif]

Typical BPD...

She found a guy who is relatively attractive, romantic at heart, and inexperienced. She blew his world with the most unbelievable sex, combined with the most tumultuous relationship he's never had, and in doing so cucked him harder than anyone has ever been cucked before. BPDs tend to "date" guys who have lower SMV than they do, while fucking everyone else under the sun.

I remember reading the original article and thinking "this is the most BPD chick I've ever read about."

Then she goes and confirms it.

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