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Forum daughters master thread

Forum daughters master thread

Quote: (06-13-2016 07:54 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 07:39 PM)PolymathGuru Wrote:  

Seriously, I don't care if someone is a Trump supporter or not. That red hat is the fucking shittiest piece of head apparel I've ever seen. Very few people could ever pull that off. The only person I know that could pull if off is Roosh. Wearing a baseball cap like that make him a little rogue and edgy for some reason. Just about everyone else looks retarded. Even if Jason Statham is wearing one. That just makes people look uglier for some reason. Even hot chicks don't look better with it. They were hot before they had the hat. With the hat, they seem not as hot as without it.

They should stick to XXsmall tshirts instead. Keeps that nice long hair revealed and a lot less to the imagination.


Well for what it's worth ya hater I pulled and banged a 21 y/o black girl while wearing the camo version Sat night, in DC. Virgle Kent can corroborate the story. [Image: lol.gif]

Not saying it can't be done. The hat is still ugly as fuck.

Quote: (06-13-2016 08:01 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 07:39 PM)PolymathGuru Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 04:16 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 04:10 PM)PolymathGuru Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 10:17 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You're being facetious right? Of course not.

Of course. Once you meet in person, I have a playful personality.

But on a more serious note, get rid of that avatar and go back to the old one. Avatar switches should be an upgrade, not a downgrade.

A MAGA hat as a downgrade.......

[Image: popcorn5.gif]

Seriously, I don't care if someone is a Trump supporter or not. That red hat is the fucking shittiest piece of head apparel I've ever seen. Very few people could ever pull that off. The only person I know that could pull if off is Roosh. Wearing a baseball cap like that make him a little rogue and edgy for some reason. Just about everyone else looks retarded. Even if Jason Statham is wearing one. That just makes people look uglier for some reason. Even hot chicks don't look better with it. They were hot before they had the hat. With the hat, they seem not as hot as without it.

They should stick to XXsmall tshirts instead. Keeps that nice long hair revealed and a lot less to the imagination.

This is going to be a bit [Image: gay.gif] here, but the whole point of that hat isn't that it's stylish due to its appearance. It's stylish because it's controversial and will certainly catch someone's eyes for better or for worse.

It's one hell of a conversation starter and shows that the wearer gives no fucks as well is likely a cool guy. Unless you otherwise dress like a neckbeard weirdo and are clearly overweight/look like a complete faggot it can only help a dude.

Still looks ugly.

But to be fair, it might be a biased against red being on top of a hair. I just thought of these pictures.

[Image: aff5e041c6ccaf9faa46aa885dac6736.jpg]

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Why does everyone want to use red to make a statement?

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