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The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread

I believe it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but it bears repeating: Despite teachers being so often portrayed as saintly characters worthy of our utmost respect (and who are woefully underpaid for the miracles they perform in our children's lives on a daily basis), the fact is the teaching profession attracts a large number of highly degenerate people, and more than its fair share of degenerate women.

The teaching profession is a lot like the modern priesthood: We're supposed to think that the clergy are the human embodiment of goodness and holiness, when in fact many rank among the most corrupt, disturbed and downright evil people on the planet.

The popular mythology which surrounds these professions is no doubt a big part of makes them attractive to degenerates. Being able to say you are a teacher (or a priest, minister, etc.) puts you into a special class, and affords you a kind of instant respect and automatic admiration from others.

As often as these kinds of stories are being reported, you have to wonder how often things like this go on, and are never reported.

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