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Demographics Matter

Demographics Matter

Quote: (04-16-2016 12:57 PM)911 Wrote:  

It's not as much an issue of demographics proper as an issue of incredibly drastic cultural shifts.

If Lindy West were 25yo in 1955, she would have been an 8, a nice tall fair slim tattoo-free gal with a friendly disposition and an unpolluted mindset who would have been raising toddlers as a stay-at-home wife married to a vet.

Today's real-life version of that fictional vintage woman is twice the size, with barely half that grade, and with a toxic social upbringing to boot.

There's your shift.

I disagree. Cultural shifts have played a role, yes, but saying that Lindy West would be a tolerable person in any era is misguided.

Women of the 1950s were often as catty and bitchy as they can be today. They were just better at hiding it.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

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