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Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

I found this very interesting, regardless of your position on abortion, you can't help but laugh at the hypocrisy.

Essentially a study was done of Indian moms in Canada who'd already had 2 daughters. While you would expect the third baby to match historical ratios (105 males/100 females) what you see is a stark increase to 138-196 males/100 females depending on the study. This leads to the conclusion that females are being aborted to try for a male.


If an Indian-born mother with two daughters received an abortion before their third child, the ratio jumped to 326 boys for every 100 girls, and 409 boys for every 100 girls if the mother had multiple abortions

Naturally a lot of feminists are upset because it's treating women as second class citizens, and saying essentially that women are less valuable then men. Then on the other hand, abortion is legal, for any reason, and a female fetus is equal to a male fetus which is equal to nothing. So right to choose is imperative, but you shout get veto powers over other people's motivations for doing so. Gotcha.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

My God, we must do something! We could be having an Indian race troll epidemic in Canada on our hands!

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

If they block women from having sex selective abortion, they are giving up many of the arguments in favor of abortion rights.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

This is great. Minorities, misogyny, and abortion all in one story. Lesbianic SJWs will keel over and die trying to figure out who's to blame and why it's the white male patriarchy.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

This is the reason determining the sex of the fetus is illegal in India. Also female infanticide used to be a major problem here.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

Can't they just abort males instead. Lesbians and SJW's will be happy and it would make it better for us by improving the ratios at bars and clubs.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada


Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

Quote: (04-16-2016 12:16 AM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

This is great. Minorities, misogyny, and abortion all in one story. Lesbianic SJWs will keel over and die trying to figure out who's to blame and why it's the white male patriarchy.

A classic case of the cannibalism of the left. The self-contradictory bases of their ideology is coming home to roost. Love it!

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

It's happened in China. I always want to vomit when I hear that abortion is about "women's rights," when over half of its victims are female.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

Women in Canada overwhelmingly support the 'right to choose' to lunatic extremes. A foetus has no rights in Canada until being born. None. Not even a limit on abortions in the third trimester.

What's more, they (and their cuck supporters) vote only for parties that support this extreme position.

Forgive me if I don't lift a finger to help them get out of a mess they voted and will continue to vote themselves into. These feminists are going to find out now that personal responsibility sometimes means living with the negative unintended consequences of your extreme political positions.

Sex selective abortion is happening in Canada

The older I get, the more I realize that abortion absolutely IS murder.

It is very convenient murder, but murder nonetheless.

With that said, I'm still on the fence as to if I want abortion to be illegal.

My honest thoughts are that it is wrong, but I'd still rather most liberals and low IQ criminals have abortions than have babies.

Spartans were on to something here.


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