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How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

The only reason I'm quibbling with you Mike, is because I understand what Andreas is going through. School is much worse today than it was your day. The propaganda is awful.

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:52 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Grades measure obedience more than intelligence. Even in the hard sciences.

"Do assignments X, Y, and Z, and in the format I tell you!"

Following orders isn't a mark of high intelligence.

Recognizing the advantages of good grades (good luck getting in at Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other start-ups with shitty grades) is a mark of high IQ.

Not doing work because, well, "Fuck it I'm 19, so how dare some professor tell me anything!" is petulant, and insufferable to any guy who has done shit with his life.

Grades are earned for their instrumental advantages, not to demonstrate intelligence.

Your original claim...


If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. too strong, since a guy with A- or even a B isn't displaying a lack of intelligence.

I would say that if you can't get at least a B, you're a retard. That's more sensible. But straight A's is the mark of a person who devotes their life to school, not that they have extra intelligence.

Some of the dumbest women I've had the displeasure of speaking with had 4.0's.

Early on in my academics, I came to the sad conclusion that grades had only a small correlation with intelligence for the liberal arts, and a strong but not complete correlation for the hard sciences.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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