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NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-10-2016 06:33 PM)Delta Wrote:


“Well, perhaps it is a joke,” Ponder, 17, wrote. “But then I guess the punchline would be: genocide. Pardon me if I don’t find that to be hilarious. The real joke here is that these kids weren’t only insensitive enough to play the game, but also silly enough to post it on Snapchat and leave it there long enough for me, and several others, to take a screenshot.”

She continued, "Putting the picture on social media means that someone was proud enough of the game to want to show it off. Meaning that they must be trapped in the delusional mindset that making a drinking game based off of the Holocaust is cool. Or funny. Or anything besides insane. Because that’s what this is: insanity."

Pardon me if I toss this little cunt into an oven.

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