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NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong


New Jersey teens played a Holocaust drinking game then proudly displayed their sick round of Jews versus Nazis on social media.

Princeton High School students appeared in a Snapchat photo pouring beer into cups arranged in a Star of David and a swastika on a ping-pong table, according to Princeton junior Jamaica Ponder. She exposed the game called “Holocaust pong” or “alcoholocaust” on her personal blog.

“Well, perhaps it is a joke,” Ponder, 17, wrote. “But then I guess the punchline would be: genocide. Pardon me if I don’t find that to be hilarious. The real joke here is that these kids weren’t only insensitive enough to play the game, but also silly enough to post it on Snapchat and leave it there long enough for me, and several others, to take a screenshot.”

She continued, "Putting the picture on social media means that someone was proud enough of the game to want to show it off. Meaning that they must be trapped in the delusional mindset that making a drinking game based off of the Holocaust is cool. Or funny. Or anything besides insane. Because that’s what this is: insanity."

Ponder told she was disgusted when she saw the photo of her classmates, several of whom are actually Jewish, playing the game. She declined to state the names of anyone involved, though she did notify officials with Princeton Public Schools before publishing her blog Wednesday.

“As an individual and as the Superintendent of the Princeton Public Schools, I am deeply upset that some of our students chose to engage in a drinking game with clearly anti-Semitic overtones and to broadcast their behavior over social media,” Superintendent Steve Cochrane said in a statement.

"An incident such as this one forces us to take a hard look at our efforts in educating our children in the values that may be most important to their success in life. I am hopeful that as school district we can join with parents, with other agencies in our community, and with students themselves to elevate our efforts to prepare our children to be people of character."

Cochrane noted the district is discussing the matter with the students involved and their families. He declined to discuss possible punishments for the game and the underage drinking, citing district confidentiality policies around disciplinary measures.

The game, based on a popular drinking game involving players tossing ping-pong balls into cups of beer, is apparently nothing new.

A rules guide on gives Nazis the right to “blitzkrieg,” or shoot until they miss and to “Auschwitz,” or pick any Jewish player to sit out until another player on the team gets a ball in the other team’s cup. For its part, the Jewish team can “Anne Frank,” which allows them hide a cup off the table from the other team.

The game requires 60 cups of beer, many more than the a regular game of beer pong, and the photo of the high schoolers showed many empty and full cans of Coors Light on the ping-pong table.

Joshua Cohen, a regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, which fights anti-Semitism, told the Forward the photo is "both alarming and outrageous."

“I think an incident like this underscores and highlights a number of different issues," Cohen said. "One, the trivialization of Nazis, Hitler and anti-semitism by teenagers. I think it underscores the critical need for Holocaust education.”

Ponder told her blog post received mix reviews at school Thursday.

“A couple of people came up to me using profanities, but a lot of people were very kind and I'd say appreciative of what I did,” she said. "Someone needed to show what exactly is going on when no one's paying attention."

Personally, I don't buy that this game is "clearly anti-Semetic." It should be obvious from the fact that some of the perpetrators were Jewish that this is not a case of hatred or malice. Teenage boys have a crude sense of humor based around shock value. That's all this is an example of. Have those who are outraged about this never heard of Cards Against Humanity?

I have a theory that SJWs accuse everyone else of hatred because they're projecting; they're such hateful, spiteful people themselves that they assume everyone else must be too.

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