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Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

One more question - what is the best city to find LTR girls in PI that also have the quality of those pictures?

Every place is a mixed bag. The big cities give women more chance to meet and sleep with random guys. In the province and lower tier cities the women are generally more conservative. But then what happens if you were to ever bring that cloistered, conservative girl to a land with vastly different options? At least with the city girls they've been in an environment with options, and you can get an idea of what they'd be like based on how they've reacted to it.

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

One more question - what is the best city to find LTR girls in PI that also have the quality of those pictures? 2 a week match at that quality? This is where the big question mark goes over my head. So girls like the pictures are out at the malls often?

I was talking about the ones with looks on par with the models in the OP (title pic, and "upper class girl" pic). For cute girls, I matched maybe 2-3/day.

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

I am scared off too by the repeating mantra Filipinas aren't much to talk with. This is where Vietnamese and Chinese girls in my experience win out in the Asian stakes.

I hope to go there one day and check it out I have a laundry list of places though right now.

How is your Vietnamese? Your Mandarin? What makes the Philippines such a welcome destination is the English penetration. Its a good place for lazy travelers because of the ease of English and ease of women. If you go to the other places you mentioned, the amount of English speakers will be much lower and communication will be an issue unless you put in the work. The worst experience I had with a girl there was with a Vietnamese chick who I could barely talk to besides "hello". She was sweet, feminine, dressed classy, respectful, the whole lot, but it was still a slog nonetheless.

The average Filipina can be plain to talk to, but they are better in person because their warm personalities come out easier. I also think a lot of the guys who write them off are looking for the low hanging fruit and pass up some of the more rewarding connections. I ignored a lot of the girls who wanted to meet up but could barely speak English, or couldn't hold a conversation since I knew there were better prospects out there. Some snippets from last month:

- Met up with a girl, went to the history museum. I began discussing Juan Luna and the Spolarium (famous painting there), when she went much deeper into the topic and it morphed into a long discussion of the American colonial period and modern geopolitics. Spent the next 12 hours together, no boredom.

- Met up with a girl, had dinner. She showed up on time while I was late (rare there), was dressed feminine but classy. It's been a while but I think she mentioned she went to an international school. Discussed marketing, psychology, meaning of life, etc. I was dead tired from jetlag but she kept my interest nonetheless.

- Met up with a girl, had dinner. Turned out to be a Fil/Am doctor. Very educated and interesting.

- Met up with a girl, had lunch. I was planning on cutting it short to make room for another girl later, but this one kept my interest and wouldn't let go. We talked for maybe 8 hours straight, to the point where we noticed others were staring and intrigued by our conversation. Had a great time.

In all the times I went out with girls there, I can think of only one time when I really had to push the conversation along with a Pinay. Part of what makes the experience pleasant is they're often the ones trying to impress you, so they're putting in effort to make the interaction enjoyable. They're much more forgiving than their western counterparts. Going Strong paints a good picture of what the interaction will be like.

The main takeaway for most guys should be is that you shouldn't have any problem having a great time. Where you will have problems is when you start taking women who are bad LTR prospects more seriously than they deserve. It may not be the best option, as I'm sure there are other places where the women are more naturally suited to LTRs. A big draw of the Philippines is if you're lazy, you don't have to learn another language to communicate on a deep level with most women. It's also something to consider if you're 50+ and are considering someone that's open to older men. I agree with Bushido and think it's something that should only be attempted by those experienced with the Philippines or SEA in general.

Quote:CleanSlate Wrote:

I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

I don't know, but if I had to guess, I would echo much of what Advent Persona said- they understand it's a negative for a guy that might take them on. You often see single moms specifically targeting older men because they know most younger guys would have a hard time with it. With American single moms, they're so delusionally entitled from a lifetime of being rewarded for bad decisions that they fail to realize it.

From the Pinay single moms I've met or talked to, they're often more pleasant and responsible than average. I guess once that first kid comes out, they're forced to be more responsible and take their life seriously. I can empathize with a lot of them- they live simple, boring lives, and it's a refreshing change from the monotony when they have a boyfriend who, at 18 promises her everything, makes her feel loved, proposes. Condoms and birth control are demonized by the church, and abortions are seen as murder, and once she's knocked up he leaves. Society pressures women not to use birth control, a total opposite from what we're used to in the west. As such I see single moms in the Philippines to be another ball game than the single moms in the West.

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