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Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-06-2016

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

[Image: Maja-Salvador-2B.jpg]

The Philippines is a wonderful place to visit. It is cheap, the beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly, and English is spoken almost universally. Many men choose to make it their destination to experience the warm, attractive, and friendly women who don't demand a lot of work to get into bed.

For those that are used to the crassness of women in the West, it is easy to get a soft spot for Filipinas. On the surface, many appear conservative: they're devoted to their families, they go to church, they often have domestic skills, and they're sweet. They don't seem to buy into feminism and like to please their men. But things are not always as they first appear. There are many aspects about Filipinas that may bring challenges down the road.

Some of the qualities which make Filipinas great for companions during short vacations make them bad bets for a LTR. Generally, they are dishonest, impulsive, and emotionally volatile compared to other groups of women. Many men I know and whose opinion I respect have said that you should not marry a Filipina. While I wouldn't go that far, I would caution the men out there to be very discerning with the Filipinas they become close with. I've had both traumatizing (eye opening) and rewarding experiences with Filipinas, and I certainly wouldn't rule all of them out for an LTR.

What makes them an attractive option is their English ability (you don't have to spend years learning a new language), their pleasantness, and their domestic abilities. However, the internet is full of horror stories of men who have been scammed, cheated, and had their lives destroyed by Filipinas because they didn't know better. I would encourage any man wishing to go this route to know what he's getting in to. For a man considering a Filipina as an LTR, it might make more sense to try some mini LTRs first to get a feel for the lay of the land. This is not a game guide. I will echo some words of wisdom:


You are not gaming the women here, the women are trying to game you to support them and their family for life.
- calwinston

Most men who go to the Philippines won't need any game to get female attention. This guide is meant for guys that are interested in more than a ONS with a Filipina to help screen out the bad apples. Its probably best to view this guide as a warning of what to avoid than what to seek out.

Before we begin
As background, this is written from the experiences being an early-late 20s white male of below average (Western) height, modest game, above average empathy, above average socioeconomic status and education. Many of the frustrating aspects of Filipino culture don't bother me that much, and I would even consider myself someone who has an irrational love of all things Filipino. All things to consider before moving forward.

This guide is based solely on my experiences, research, and personal opinion. It is based on roughly half a dozen excursions to the Philippines, discussions with other men who have spent considerable time living or traveling there, discussions with native Filipinos, many ONSs, dates, and LTRs with Filipinas, and years of personal research into Filipino culture and history. Many of what I'm about to write are generalizations, so treat them as such. My experiences may vary from yours, as they are colored by my appearance, cultural upbringing, and personality inclinations. Your mileage may vary (YMMV). I would encourage the reader to use this guide to get a rough idea of the picture, but to explore on their own.

Before going any further, I would recommend reading calwinston's excellent “Philippines Observations, Suggestions, and Comments“ Thread to get a quick primer on Filipinas and the Philippines: thread-50668.html

The Filipina
It's easy for your average westerner to fall in love with a Filipina. They are sweet, loving, often know how to cook and clean, seem to be family oriented, seem to take religion seriously, and are always down to smash. It seems too good to be true. And it is. In the next paragraph I'll discuss some of the good and bad qualities to consider. I would point out that these are the qualities of your average Filipina. This guide will start by broadly generalizing your average Filipina, and progressively delve into more specific types of personalities, and personal qualities later on. For now, treat the following as a baseline. As I will get into later, Filipinas can be quite diverse, and a lot of the downsides can be avoided with the right screening.

The Good The Bad Miscellaneous By now, you should be getting a basic idea of what to expect from your average Filipina. While many of these qualities apply to most Filipinas, it is not the whole story. The diversity of types of women in the Philippines is enormous. While everyone is different, the following are some recurring stereotypes I've noticed.

Filipina Archetypes

[Image: groNina.jpg]

GRO: “Guest Relations Officer”, a euphemism for prostitute. They are usually easy to spot both online and in person. In person they will be the ones to open you. Online, they can be identified by having sexually suggestive pictures, short profiles with words like “fun”, and will offer to give “massage” or similar. The more subtle ones will offer to come over but want you to cover inflated transportation prices. Anyone asking for over 500php in transportation fees is likely a GRO. Avoid.

[Image: 12338984_907475942676091_305253932_n.jpg...53D%253D.2]

Online Chameleon: There are many Filipinas on dating sites that will be happy to entertain multiple guys at once. They'll have older “boyfriends” who give them an “allowance” of hundreds of dollars each month in return for the illusion of a committed relationship with a young and attractive woman. Many of them are doing this to multiple guys at once and making a good living off it. Once you're out of the country, these same girls are sleeping with every young foreigner who comes through town. If you're in an LTR, you really don't know if this applies to your girl. Avoid.

Online Goldilocks: They've been on online dating sites for years, but haven't found a guy to settle down with yet. This usually means she fits into one or more of the following: 1) She will often have an unhealthy, hostile attitude towards Filipino guys (which your future son might internalize), 2) She's been pumped and dumped many times (impulsive, bad judgment), 3) She's always searching for an option to trade up. Any girl whose online for a very long time is either using it for income, has some major flaw that is not readily apparent, or is looking to trade up. Avoid.

[Image: cathy-remperas12.jpg]

Hardworking Girl: These girls are often responsible types working in professions like teaching, nursing, human resources, and so on. They will often spend their off days going to church, spending time with family, and taking care of chores around the house. They're often so busy that they rarely have the opportunity to meet people. They may have had a bad experience in a past relationship, or have heard about a positive experience from a friend who married a foreigner. Many won't stick around dating sites for long when they discover that most guys only want sex. They'll often be curious about meeting a foreigner online, but will often be picky and conservative. Consider.

[Image: 1d4466d36d7bb1bfc87b2515e6ffe5f7.jpg]

Upper class Girl: Similar to the hardworking girl, with some differences. She may have grown up with a maid in the house and a personal driver, and may see certain chores as below her. On the bright side, she is often more intelligent, and is unlikely to need your financial support for her family. If she's a Chinese Filipino, it may be difficult for her family to consider you as a legitimate prospect. Consider

Now that you have a general idea of Filipinas, and some of the most common personality types you'll come across, let's get into a deeper discussion of the specific traits to look for, and ones to watch out for. These are my personal opinion. They may vary in severity based on the socioeconomic status of the girl in question.

Some red flags will be dealbreakers for some but not for others depending on your preferences and your goals. If you're looking to select a girl to bring to Palawan for a week, or a mini-LTR, many of the red flags can be overlooked. If you're looking for a mini LTR, the emotional volatility and intensity of love might even add to the excitement and experience. I would still look for a baseline level of trustworthiness if you're going to let them near your valuables. Fortunately, many Filipinas are careless at hiding red flags, so it should be easy to filter them. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

WARNING: Before going any further, EVERY guy should be aware of cluster B personality disorders. This is MANDATORY. Many guys whose personality types are suited (overly empathetic) to Filipinas are particularly vulnerable. The emotional volatility and intensity of emotions can be addictive, but in the end you are setting yourself up for trouble. I myself have made the mistake of dating a BPD and HPD, but was fortunate to escape and learn from the experience. These people are dangerous. Please read the following before even considering dating anyone long term:

Red Flags
- Many male friends on their facebook, particularly older men: Good indicator that they're courting multiple guys at once, or worse, they're a freelance GRO.
- Has pictures of them in expensive looking hotel rooms or exotic locations despite being poor: She's trading her body for money or a free vacation.
- Has pictures of gifts from sponsors on their facebook: GRO.
- Ever asks money for questionable “problems”: She's using you for money, and lieing.
- Has unemployed family members which have no plans on finding gainful employment: They will always leech off you as long as you breathe
- Gets jealous or passive aggressive for no apparent reason: This won't be the first or last time. You are dealing with an emotional child, not an adult. Do you really want this person raising your future children? Do you want to deal with drama that you don't even know the cause of?
- Strongly encourages you to open a business in the Philippines: May be a scammer; the Philippines is a protectionist economy, and often if you buy property or own a business you'll have to put it in her name. Lots of horror stories start like this.
- Spends a considerable amount of time on facebook, or has 500+ facebook friends: Needs attention and validation.
- Ever makes false gossip about other people: Buddy, someday she will do that about you. It will create unnecessary drama with the family or worse, lead to false allegations.
- Has a history of impulsive decisions: Dating bad boys, running away, getting a tattoo, etc.
- Lies to keep up image: You will never know the truth from the lie. You will never be able to trust them.
- She will sleep with you the first time you met her: This isn't the first time she's done this.
- She won't bring up using a condom, or will actively encourage you not to use one: This isn't the first time she's done this.
- She has trashy friends: You are the company you keep.
- She lets her family take advantage of you: you will always be second fiddle.
- She doesn't have a job but spends a lot of time on dating sites: Possible GRO
- She stops making effort (cooking, looking nice, great sex, etc) after you've grown comfortable
- She lives alone despite her parents living close enough to her work
- She shows signs of laziness, lateness, etc. She will work only as hard as she needs to get what she wants.
- Shes anxious to come back to your (Western) country before she knows much about you.
- Broke up with a past boyfriend out of boredom, or for no apparent reason.

Yellow Flags
- Single mom: Sign of impulsiveness or inability to keep a man. Mitigated by the reputation of Filipino men to be absent fathers; may not have been her fault.
- Ever asks for money: This is how it starts. Mitigated if you've been together for a long time, she's genuinely poor, and she's already done a lot for you: cooking, chores, helping to plan, etc.
- She sides with her family over you: Depending on the circumstances this could be a major red flag or a mild positive.
- She says she is a virgin: Tons of sluts will say this despite coming straight back to your place on the first meetup. If she has other green flags it may be true, but I wouldn't subject yourself to celibacy unless she's cool with you discretely having women on the side.

Green Flags
- She is responsible with work, chores, or other commitments
- She arrives on time or is able to keep plans
- She comes from a poor background but offers to pay for things once in a while
- She has options (bad boys, foreigners looking for an ONS; sex for easy money) which she doesn't take for personal reasons. This one is a HUGE green flag if you ever plan on bringing her back to a place where her options will change.
- If she's going out, she lets you know where she's going, and who she's going with.
- She's happy to cook, clean, and help out even after the “bait and switch” period
- She lives with parents if shes under 30
- The rest of fer family is mostly responsible and self sufficient. Big green flag.
- She understands and agrees not to send money back to family members if they'll waste it
- She understands and agrees that if she's not giving you sex, you'll look elsewhere discretely (A big ask for most Filipinas)
- She can communicate things honestly before they become a problem. BIG green flag. Alternatively, she won't create drama when they do.
- She refuses to sleep with you the first time you meet. Gets shy from simply kissing on a first date (considered taboo for traditional Filipinas).
- She can carry on interesting conversations with you, or understand complex subjects.
- You can leave her around your valuables and she won't touch shit.
- She will protect you from scams or getting ripped off.
- She will stick around to make sure you're on your way safely (in a cab), or go out of her way to accommodate you.
- If you're away from her, she makes every effort to communicate with you.
- If you're away from her, she handwrites letters for you.
- She makes a concerted effort to be accepted by your mother.

Hunting Unicorns?
After reviewing that list, many of you may be thinking that it's impossible to find a Filipina with a short list of those red flags and a long list of those green flags. I've often heard people saying the quality in the Philippines awful. I tend to disagree.

First, most guys who come to the Philippines come for the easy layup. It's a tall order to ask someone to put in the work to pursue quality when there's a constant stream of 6s pounding on your doorstep to netflix and chill. The sampling bias will naturally skew perceptions. If you're willing to be more picky, you can find quality. While the average Filipina is definitely not on par with your average East Asian, it's not a tall order to break into higher tiers given your elevated status.

For one, many Filipinos don't have a lot to offer middle tier and above women. Many are unemployed, underemployed, and the amount which have good, stable, middle class and above incomes are few and far between. Even fewer are the ones who are well traveled, educated, and good looking. When the bar is low, it is easy to stand out as the best bet in town.

Another factor working in your favor is some womens' preference for Westerners. Some Filipinas prefer Western men because they're perceived as being less judgmental, less jealous, less likely to get angry or violent, more well traveled and worldly wise, less likely to have a mistress, and more honest compared to Filipinos. You can find quality if you're willing to be patient and picky.

How to stand out
To get value, you have to give value. The youngtallcool player who cruises through town for a hookup is well known in the Philippines and many of the girls you'd want to take seriously will actively avoid them. Otherwise they wouldn't be good girls. As such, it's good to tone down the player vibe, and turn up the stable, well traveled, educated professional vibe.

Stay in good shape, dress nice whenever possible (nice jeans or chinos even on hot nights), show that you live a respectable lifestyle, speak in an educated manner, and show respect when appropriate. If you can come up with legitimate excuses for why you're in her country that don't sound like you're there for women, that always helps. If you know some Filipino history and culture, it shows you have a genuine interest in their country and people.

Where to Find them
Consider that most of the better woman you'll be looking for are fairly busy. They'll be commuting to work early, working a 10 hour day, and commuting back with little time for recreation. Their weekends will be spent with family, doing chores, or attending church. Once they've graduated college, there's little opportunity to meet a decent guy outside of work. Occasionally they will hear of a friend who met a foreigner where everything worked out, and they'll be curious to try it for themselves.

Some online dating sites and apps provide them a platform where they can browse potential matches in their very limited free time. If you are patient and know how to market yourself, I believe you can find some quality online. I've dated at least one model, and a number of really cute and sweet good girls off DIA. I've met a doctor, a seventh day adventist, and a Chinese Filipina from a power family off Tinder. With DIA, you have to be patient. Quality doesn't come around often, and it gets taken off the market quickly. That, or they get jaded with all the playboys and perverts that they ragequit after a few days. DIA will display when someone is a new member, and that's always a good thing to look out for.

A surprising number of educated Pinays are on Tinder, though the quality has gone downhill over time. I would still put up a clean, professional looking picture, and write a profile that makes you sound interesting, responsible, and genuine. Many times I matched with women who specifically said they swiped because of what I wrote.

On the weekends, you might be able to find them at malls. Generally they will be dressing classier, more mature, or at the very least, more conservatively. If you are staying long term, as you meet people from higher social circles, you may eventually get introduced to them at group events. Regardless of how you meet them, their personality should slowly emerge through conversation, and when meeting them in person. The more you get to know them, the easier it is to screen them based on the qualities already mentioned.

Most Important Qualities
There is no rush. You should have plenty of options to choose from if you're doing this right. When something bothers you or you pick up a red flag, listen to your gut and don't try to rationalize it away too quickly. DO NOT think with your dick if you're in this for more than a few months. Do not think with your heart if you're in this for more than a few years. In every relationship I've seen that lasted over a few years, the honeymoon period has faded and the couple is focused on being comfortable and forming a mutually beneficial partnership. In that respect, I think it's best to look for someone you can trust, and someone you can count on when you really need them. If you got hit by a bus tomorrow, would your kids be well looked after? Does this woman benefit you, or is she a drag on you?

Considering the above, I think the most important trait to look for with Pinays is responsibility. Can she look after herself when she needs to? Does she show up when she says she will? Does she own up to her mistakes? If you're considering the possibility of bringing her back to your country, perhaps the biggest trait to look for is how she reacts to new options. Did she have the opportunity to act on her tingles and date the class bad boy, but decided not to out of self respect? Did she have the option to party it up with friends but decided not to because it might lead to bad decisions? When a girl has a pattern of behavior of sticking to how she was raised no matter the situation she's placed in, that gives me much more confidence in bringing her to a new environment. Past performance is a good indicator of future performance.

Further, she should look up to you, respect you, and submit to you. In this crazy environment we find ourselves in, it's a dangerous proposition to let the woman steer the ship. They don't like it; women look to a man for security and grounding. Some women will only do it long enough to get something, but the ones who can do it without making any fuss seem most comfortable in this arrangment. She should know your ground rules and be comfortable with them. Ultimately, a relationship where both partners have realistic expectations, are honest with each other, and are able to accommodate each others needs is best for everyone.

I could go on and on, but I think I've covered enough material to give most guys a basic idea of what to watch out for and what to prioritize. For most of you this will just be a reminder of what you already know, but given the popularity of the Philippines as a destination, and the alluring qualities of Filipinas to the newcomer, I think a fair assessment was long overdue. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to add anything I missed, and as always, reach out to me on PM if you want to discuss anything further. I wish you all the best of luck out there. Ingat ka!

calwinston – For writing the “Philippines Observations, Suggestions, and Comments“ thread. It's what encouraged me to become active again on the website after years of silent browsing.

oneeyedjack – For his generosity in gifting me gold. This encouraged me to think about what I could contribute that would be valuable to other guys here. If not for him, I may have never written this.

Dagnasty – For his insights into Filipinas based on his experiences as a veteran of game living in Manila for years.

YardDog – For giving me the confidence to express some opinions I'm in the minority on. Through discussion, I've realized that many of his experiences confirmed my unconventional notions.

Philippines thread contributors – For providing page after page of phenomenally useful eyes on the ground information and insight into all things Philippines.

NASA Test Pilot – For encouraging the community to better ourselves, and for providing an example to aspire to.

Roosh – For providing a platform for men of all backgrounds to come together and share valuable knowledge

And all the rest of your shitlords I forgot to mention. You know who you are.

Post 500

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - samsamsam - 04-06-2016

Great post thoughtgypsy.

Shout out to Dagnasty - straight up a good dude, kind enough to show me around when I briefly visited.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - CleanSlate - 04-06-2016


Whenever there's a long post with your name at the top, I sit my ass down knowing this is going to be a good read.

This is no exception. Great, great post - and a big thank you for sharing this much needed knowledge. This is one of those posts where I wish I can rep someone more than once.

Despite all the bad perceptions and even some hate filipinas get, I have not ruled out marrying a filipina at some point in my life if I decided that I want kids. I will not forget this post.

As an aside, here's an anecdote.

Remember the girl I went to Palawan with? Well, what I didn't mention here yet was that a few months ago, she asked to borrow some money to pay for her son's tuition as he's starting school... her excuse was that she wasn't prepared for a big payment by the school's deadline.

My heart sank right there.

I really liked this girl, but this was several red flags in one. It showed that she's impulsive, doesn't plan ahead, is a poor saver, not good with money, and it's a slippery slope that many a foreigner have gone before me to their own financial and emotional peril. After I told her no, she said she hoped it wouldn't change things between us. But it already has... and I've been talking to her less and less over time. It's difficult emotionally for me, as someone who has seen how sweet and feminine these girls are and only recently seeing these yellow/red flags crop up. While it's disappointing, it also is a valuable lesson to not go there with high expectations, or worse, think with the little head.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Travesty - 04-06-2016

The girls in the pictures look good.

Now how hard is it to land one in general that is:
- of that looks caliber
- LTR material
- 5'2"+ (I'm tall)

How long do you think you'd have to live there for?

I am scared off of the Phillipines by friends of who have gone there and that have lots of traveling experience telling me the quality is just too low overall.

By the way this is fantastic +1.


Come on man I know nothing of the situation, getting attached to a single mother half way around the world though - you can't let that happen in the first place.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 08:54 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

The girls in the pictures look good.

Now how hard is it to land one in general that is:
- of that looks caliber
- LTR material
- 5'2"+ (I'm tall)

How long do you think you'd have to live there for?

I am scared off of the Phillipines by friends of who have gone there and that have lots of traveling experience telling me the quality is just too low overall.

The pictures were from google image searches, so the ones with professional looking lighting are probably models, the ones that aren't should be slightly above average. But I don't worry about averages when my exotic status lets me fish in the higher pools.

You should have no problem finding girls that look like that on websites like DIA and FC but they might not always respond. In my experience they tend to be 5'3" or taller. On Tinder, I matched with maybe 2/week in those looks categories while I was in Manila. The step from 6 to 7 and 7 to 8 becomes increasingly rare online.

Probably easier to daygame in the nicer areas. There are upscale coffee shops (Starbucks, Seattle's Best) in Greenbelt Makati and Fort Bonifacio high street. The malls are always good places, especially on weekends. Many opportunities to approach, and the women can be shy, but they're often very friendly and polite. The upscale malls generally have taller, higher class women. In the lower scale malls you're more exotic.

For most guys it should be much easier to get higher quality (looks wise) than they're used to in the west. Or at the very least, a higher quantity of the quality they're used to. Once you've found someone who ticks the boxes, you can start filtering for LTR material based on their actions. Talk is cheap in the Philippines, so actions are what to go off of, sometimes it takes time. The hard part isn't finding a girl who meets your standards of attraction, the hard part is finding one with the personality traits that would make her well suited for an LTR. The latter is much more rare in these woods.

If you're staying for a while, also be aware of who you're seen out in public with. If you're out with lots of girls, or with girls who look poor or ugly compared with the kind of girls you're aspiring too, it can hurt your chances. Many people know each other and are happy to gossip.

An easy, low investment way to test the waters is to sign up for dateinasia and message the girls you're attracted to. You can pipeline from there, or if you've had a bad experience, write off the idea altogether. I'd still consider exploring the place for yourself whatever you decide.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Travesty - 04-06-2016

One more question - what is the best city to find LTR girls in PI that also have the quality of those pictures?


2 a week match at that quality? This is where the big question mark goes over my head. So girls like the pictures are out at the malls often?

In Colombia or Monterrey,Mexico I may have had 20 or more in a week that were at that caliber or higher matching.

I know people say online doesn't represent what's on the ground always. With how popular Tinder has become though using the GPS to scope out a town I have found it to be amazingly representative of what's on the ground especially in the last year or so.

In fact I just swiped through Manila a bit. Talent was a notch higher than I was expecting.

I think with all these opinions and my own research together I think I have a good idea now.

I am scared off too by the repeating mantra Filipinas aren't much to talk with. This is where Vietnamese and Chinese girls in my experience win out in the Asian stakes.

I hope to go there one day and check it out I have a laundry list of places though right now.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Going strong - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 08:54 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

The girls in the pictures look good.

Now how hard is it to land one in general that is:
- of that looks caliber
- LTR material
- 5'2"+ (I'm tall)

How long do you think you'd have to live there for?

I am scared off of the Phillipines by friends of who have gone there and that have lots of traveling experience telling me the quality is just too low overall.

By the way this is fantastic +1.

You absolutely can get quality, both in terms of (good) looks and (good) behaviour/mentality, in the Phils.

But it is a fact that, at least in Manila, many 8s, 9s, 10s, are "taken" or "unavailable" because they work in "clubs" (KTV etc...), as explained by the man of the day (oneeyedjack), here, or have sponsors: Read:


Nevertheless, you can of course get high quality, in terms of women, throughout the Philippines. Especially if you find a good, family-oriented, sweet-soul Filipina, far from a touristy place, and agree to meet her extended family (not ruling out becoming part of this family)...

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-06-2016

Just to test the waters, I searched DIA with the following filters:
- 5'3" or above
- Below 128lbs
- no children
- 18 to 27 years

The women vary in looks, I snipped out a random group of profiles that had some attractive girls in it. For science.

[Image: snip.jpg]

1st one just joined 2 days ago (good)
Simple profile (neutral or bad)
Occupation: Self employed (neutral or bad)
I'd still message and get an idea from there.

2nd one just joined 4 hours ago (good)
Rest of the profile is neutral. Message.

3rd one
mediocre english, average looks. Might message for the hell of it, though wouldn't take seriously.

4th one
Chinese name, looks (good, they're generally more practical and more intelligent)
Good English, sounds pleasant and fun from the way she describes herself. University education. Talks about what she has to offer, not what she'd demand. Definitely message.

That's my general thought process and should give you a rough idea of what you may be dealing with on those sites.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Going strong - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

I am scared off too by the repeating mantra Filipinas aren't much to talk with.

Sure, most Filipinas won't tell you about their fancy holidays in Paris, Venice or Aspen, they won't discuss complex geopolitical international issues or Greek philosophers, but if you enjoy sincere, bubbling, teen-like, touching personalities, you'll enjoy their company! And of course, you'll enjoy more than that, back at your place, so, it won't be a bad experience at all!

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Schlep - 04-06-2016

Great post thoughtgypsy. +1 for me. I have to agree with cleanslate's statement. Always enjoy your posts and contributions to the forum. Thank you....

I'll be returning to the Philippines in two weeks. Hope to find better quality on this trip. Spend less time rushing around from date to date, and more time on daygame.

Also, look into business opportunities for future relocation plans.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Advent Persona - 04-06-2016

Shoutout to one of our prominent resident experts on all things Filipino - thoughtgypsy

I've just finished with a brief trip to the Phils and about to go for round two - I'll be based there for a few months at least. Good post and necessary reading for all newbies going into this country for 'practice'. The apparent 'easiness' of girls can obscure the deeper psychological warfare that's happening here to a less than prudent player. Nothing is what it seems. Girls here are masters of playing the long game and they are the absolute best at extracting resources from their victims.

This place is best enjoyed if you're mentally prepared not to take any of the female specimens seriously. BUT... If you absolutely must LTR a filipina then I would:

*Completely give online a pass (unless the website has a feature where you can focus your search ONLY on new members AND you can setup the meet ASAP aka. you must already be in the country)

*Make daygame your bread and butter

*Meet family and immediate social circle asap

*Focus only on 2nd-3rd tier cities and provinces

This guide should be a sticky in the main Philippines thread. Gold.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - CleanSlate - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 08:54 PM)Travesty Wrote:  


Come on man I know nothing of the situation, getting attached to a single mother half way around the world though - you can't let that happen in the first place.

Yeah, Travesty, you know nothing of that situation.

thoughtgypsy, I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

When I was there for my trips, I wasn't looking for an LTR so I was not as discriminating as I would have otherwise been, but I still noticed this because the contrast was so stark. Out of curiosity, what's your take on that?

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Advent Persona - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:32 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

thoughtgypsy, I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

Single moms are at the bottom of the totem pole in the Philippines, so they tend not to broadcast that to a high value prospect unless they've decided that he is emotionally invested enough. There are just too many options here for men. At that moment,when you're sufficiently invested (emotionally) she'll probably think it's a good idea to begin asking you for money too.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - CleanSlate - 04-06-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:45 PM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:32 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

thoughtgypsy, I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

Single moms are at the bottom of the totem pole in the Philippines, so they tend not to broadcast that to a high value prospect unless they've decided that he is emotionally invested enough. There are just too many options here for men. At that moment,when you're sufficiently invested (emotionally) she'll probably think it's a good idea to begin asking you for money too.

Makes sense. The contrast of this vs the West never ceases to amaze me though.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Bushido - 04-06-2016

The Bushido guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

1. Don't do it.

The End.

Just kidding. Kind of.

I honestly think that most foreigners shouldn't even try to LTR a Filipina. At least not early on. If you are just swooping in for a couple of weeks then don't even think about trying to get into a serious relationship with a Filipina.

For those able to stay a while, give yourself some time to understand the country and its women. Have a little fun playing the field until you get used to how things work. Please, for your own sake, don't attribute all your early successes to "game" and think that you are therefore safe from scammers. The ego is a dangerous thing. This might apply to any Asian country, but there seem to be more potentially lethal pitfalls in a 3rd world country such as the Phils.

This is a great post and I for one will be bookmarking it for future reference. Thanks man!

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-07-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

One more question - what is the best city to find LTR girls in PI that also have the quality of those pictures?

Every place is a mixed bag. The big cities give women more chance to meet and sleep with random guys. In the province and lower tier cities the women are generally more conservative. But then what happens if you were to ever bring that cloistered, conservative girl to a land with vastly different options? At least with the city girls they've been in an environment with options, and you can get an idea of what they'd be like based on how they've reacted to it.

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

One more question - what is the best city to find LTR girls in PI that also have the quality of those pictures? 2 a week match at that quality? This is where the big question mark goes over my head. So girls like the pictures are out at the malls often?

I was talking about the ones with looks on par with the models in the OP (title pic, and "upper class girl" pic). For cute girls, I matched maybe 2-3/day.

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

I am scared off too by the repeating mantra Filipinas aren't much to talk with. This is where Vietnamese and Chinese girls in my experience win out in the Asian stakes.

I hope to go there one day and check it out I have a laundry list of places though right now.

How is your Vietnamese? Your Mandarin? What makes the Philippines such a welcome destination is the English penetration. Its a good place for lazy travelers because of the ease of English and ease of women. If you go to the other places you mentioned, the amount of English speakers will be much lower and communication will be an issue unless you put in the work. The worst experience I had with a girl there was with a Vietnamese chick who I could barely talk to besides "hello". She was sweet, feminine, dressed classy, respectful, the whole lot, but it was still a slog nonetheless.

The average Filipina can be plain to talk to, but they are better in person because their warm personalities come out easier. I also think a lot of the guys who write them off are looking for the low hanging fruit and pass up some of the more rewarding connections. I ignored a lot of the girls who wanted to meet up but could barely speak English, or couldn't hold a conversation since I knew there were better prospects out there. Some snippets from last month:

- Met up with a girl, went to the history museum. I began discussing Juan Luna and the Spolarium (famous painting there), when she went much deeper into the topic and it morphed into a long discussion of the American colonial period and modern geopolitics. Spent the next 12 hours together, no boredom.

- Met up with a girl, had dinner. She showed up on time while I was late (rare there), was dressed feminine but classy. It's been a while but I think she mentioned she went to an international school. Discussed marketing, psychology, meaning of life, etc. I was dead tired from jetlag but she kept my interest nonetheless.

- Met up with a girl, had dinner. Turned out to be a Fil/Am doctor. Very educated and interesting.

- Met up with a girl, had lunch. I was planning on cutting it short to make room for another girl later, but this one kept my interest and wouldn't let go. We talked for maybe 8 hours straight, to the point where we noticed others were staring and intrigued by our conversation. Had a great time.

In all the times I went out with girls there, I can think of only one time when I really had to push the conversation along with a Pinay. Part of what makes the experience pleasant is they're often the ones trying to impress you, so they're putting in effort to make the interaction enjoyable. They're much more forgiving than their western counterparts. Going Strong paints a good picture of what the interaction will be like.

The main takeaway for most guys should be is that you shouldn't have any problem having a great time. Where you will have problems is when you start taking women who are bad LTR prospects more seriously than they deserve. It may not be the best option, as I'm sure there are other places where the women are more naturally suited to LTRs. A big draw of the Philippines is if you're lazy, you don't have to learn another language to communicate on a deep level with most women. It's also something to consider if you're 50+ and are considering someone that's open to older men. I agree with Bushido and think it's something that should only be attempted by those experienced with the Philippines or SEA in general.

Quote:CleanSlate Wrote:

I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

I don't know, but if I had to guess, I would echo much of what Advent Persona said- they understand it's a negative for a guy that might take them on. You often see single moms specifically targeting older men because they know most younger guys would have a hard time with it. With American single moms, they're so delusionally entitled from a lifetime of being rewarded for bad decisions that they fail to realize it.

From the Pinay single moms I've met or talked to, they're often more pleasant and responsible than average. I guess once that first kid comes out, they're forced to be more responsible and take their life seriously. I can empathize with a lot of them- they live simple, boring lives, and it's a refreshing change from the monotony when they have a boyfriend who, at 18 promises her everything, makes her feel loved, proposes. Condoms and birth control are demonized by the church, and abortions are seen as murder, and once she's knocked up he leaves. Society pressures women not to use birth control, a total opposite from what we're used to in the west. As such I see single moms in the Philippines to be another ball game than the single moms in the West.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-07-2016

Some things I forgot to mention but must be covered.

If you met her online, green flag if she erases all her online dating profiles after she's slept with you. Red flag and disqualification if she doesn't. You can't be the one to broach the subject, she has to want to do it on her own accord. Just move on.

Many guys get rose tinted glasses about the Philippines when they first go. This can be dangerous, and there's lots of horror stories which result from it. Bookmark this site: and read through it (including the comments) to get the red pill on what it could be like if you make the wrong decision. (H/T Dagnasty)


Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - CleanSlate - 04-07-2016

I've read through some of the posts in the Philippines fail blog, and it seems most of the trouble starts once a foreigner buys a home or starts a business in his filipina wife's name.

If I were to ever marry a filipina, would it be possible to avoid most problems, at least on the financial side of things, if I just rent the rest of my life and never buy a home? I'm sure it won't prevent any drama or emotional heartburn because she could always cheat on me if she wanted... but if that happened, I can always get another girl just around the corner over there.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - TravelerKai - 04-07-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:59 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2016 09:36 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

I am scared off too by the repeating mantra Filipinas aren't much to talk with.

Sure, most Filipinas won't tell you about their fancy holidays in Paris, Venice or Aspen, they won't discuss complex geopolitical international issues or Greek philosophers, but if you enjoy sincere, bubbling, teen-like, touching personalities, you'll enjoy their company! And of course, you'll enjoy more than that, back at your place, so, it won't be a bad experience at all!

Again fellas, talk to your brothers when you need stimulating conversation. Trust me that you want them to be simple on dialog. A woman cannot be your best friend, that is not their purpose.

When they only have simple conversations it is alot easier to figure out what their motives/priorities in life are. Compare that to hyper educated American women, it can take well over a month to get any real truth out of them by the time you are done with mind games and shit tests.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - Beirut - 04-07-2016

Dont ltr or commit or buy a house or business with someone you havent been around for a really long time AND been through some very bsd experiences with, that tested your characters and your relationship.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - TravelerKai - 04-07-2016

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:51 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:45 PM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:32 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

thoughtgypsy, I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

Single moms are at the bottom of the totem pole in the Philippines, so they tend not to broadcast that to a high value prospect unless they've decided that he is emotionally invested enough. There are just too many options here for men. At that moment,when you're sufficiently invested (emotionally) she'll probably think it's a good idea to begin asking you for money too.

Makes sense. The contrast of this vs the West never ceases to amaze me though.

I'm glad you came to your senses. Never date a single mother, especially a Filipino one. Too many options without kids and too many that are 18 you could marry and they fresher than a tuna pulled out of the sea an hour ago. Like the mighty Parlay says, you want a fresh sandwich, not a soggy and old one.

You need a woman you can mold and influence. You do not need one that cannot trust a man 100% or has other hang ups. You will never be number 1 in that woman's eyes. Her child is her blood and her top priority, never you.

Also, think about this:

1. An 18 year old asking you for money can be a learning experience that you can provide correction to her on and provide new and better leadership. They know they have not seen nor done shit in their lives. Never experienced childbirth pain, so they cannot even argue with their mother on anything related to family. Heck she might even be a virgin and not even a legit woman just yet. You turn her into a woman, you might as well have been a master vampire summoning a thrall to serve by your side. No woman can imagine her walls stretched further and her mind blown further than her first and only man. This is why n-count matters for not only most women, but especially pinay women.

2. A 25+ year old with with a child is a grown ass woman you cannot tell shit when it comes to money and survival. Why? At least she found a way to feed a child to a certain age and avoided letting it die. Have you done that yourself? No. Who the fuck are you to preach to her how to survive and conduct her way of doing things? In her mind she is just as experienced as you are, if not more. She just won't tell you that to your face. Mentally she has just tuned you out.

Like Travesty said, you could have stayed your ass at home if you wanted number 2. Why go around the world for more of the same?

I will also give you guys a stern warning an older man once gave me when I got divorced. "You better change your mindset really quickly. The same woman you just left will come right back to you without you realizing it. The same flaws you were attracted to do not go away overnight and you will repeat history with another face."

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - TravelerKai - 04-07-2016

Quote: (04-07-2016 08:51 AM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Some things I forgot to mention but must be covered.

If you met her online, green flag if she erases all her online dating profiles after she's slept with you. Red flag and disqualification if she doesn't. You can't be the one to broach the subject, she has to want to do it on her own accord. Just move on.

Many guys get rose tinted glasses about the Philippines when they first go. This can be dangerous, and there's lots of horror stories which result from it. Bookmark this site: and read through it (including the comments) to get the red pill on what it could be like if you make the wrong decision. (H/T Dagnasty)


Hang on a second though. If you end up marrying and bring her to the USA, you need proof of that online profile (Hers and yours), for the K-1 or K-3 Visa. Print out copies of it or save a screenshot offline along with any correspondences through that site. The chances of you getting asked for this level of evidence is maybe 30-40%, but if you do not have it and the URL address of the site you met on, it might delay or cancel your application. Sometimes they ask for this stuff if they want to compare it against the names of known scam artists or repeat applicants or just because something else on your application makes them curious.

That said, do not rely on the US Immigration dept. to do your background checking on a foreign woman. That shit is your responsibility. There are even private eye detectives in the Philippines that can always help you follow the woman and investigate her whole family, should you ever get that serious. Use your brain, use your tools.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - TravelerKai - 04-07-2016

Quote: (04-07-2016 09:21 AM)Beirut Wrote:  

Dont ltr or commit or buy a house or business with someone you havent been around for a really long time AND been through some very bsd experiences with, that tested your characters and your relationship.

I would not put the cart before the horse so to speak. You guys don't even have serious girlfriends yet. If you are worried about buying a house in her name there, I think you are worried about character flaws that existed before marriage to begin with.

Also, if bitch goes rogue, start over. Fuck it. The divorce laws in the PI don't apply in your home country. What do you care? Things are things. They cannot steal your state of mind, which is what really matters. Put your trust in God (not imperfect men and women) and these kinds of people and matters sort themselves out anyway. I have a relative with a pinay wife of 25+ years. They have some condos out there they rent out. They may be in her name, but he has all the cash from the rent and bought a ranch.... [Image: pimp.gif]

Come on fellas! Game does not stop at marriage!!!!

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - thoughtgypsy - 04-07-2016

Also, for anyone who thinks I'm being too critical of Filipinas, a lot of what I'm saying is confirmed by a Swiss immigrant marriage study:


In 1999, the divorce rate for domestic marriages (Swiss married to Swiss) in Switzerland were at a record high of 50%. In the same year (1999), marriages with foreigners are comparatively better: Marriages between Swiss and German or Italian women have a comparatively better divorce rate: 40%. Marriages between Brazilian or Thai women and Swiss turned out to be more durable than expected, the divorce rate reached the low rate of 30%. Fantastically low divorce rates were reached at marriages with women from Colombia (20%). Marriages with women from the former USSR reached a rate of 15%; however, it must be noted that marriages between Swiss and Russians boom at the moment, and that the divorce rate is not that much meaningful, because the divorce rate rises with a time-lag. However, there are also marriages between Swiss and foreigners where the divorce rate is worse than the domestic rate: Marriages between Swiss and women from the Dominican Republic tend to work very badly, the divorce rate reached catastrophic sixty percent. Similarly, but not quite as bad, the divorce rate in marriages between Swiss and Philippine women reached 45%

Notice that there's very little (5%) difference between the Swiss/Swiss and Swiss/Pinay divorce rate. Compare this to a US study where immigrant marriages had a far lower divorce rate against domestic marriages. The average Pinay makes a bad LTR prospect. Best to look elsewhere, or be prepared to do some serious screening.

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material - samsamsam - 04-07-2016

Am I the only one happy to see TK dropping his knowledge? Haven't seen him post lately. Good to see you around TK.

No disrespect meant to thoughtgypsy - your first post to start this thread was pretty fucking awesome.