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Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

Guide to Screening Filipinas for LTR Material

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:45 PM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:32 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

thoughtgypsy, I noticed something else about the single moms in the Philippines... they NEVER talk about their kids. This is a stark contrast vs American single moms who talk about their kids all the time and how their son/daughter is their #1 blah blah blah. But with filipina single moms - nothing but crickets.

Single moms are at the bottom of the totem pole in the Philippines, so they tend not to broadcast that to a high value prospect unless they've decided that he is emotionally invested enough. There are just too many options here for men. At that moment,when you're sufficiently invested (emotionally) she'll probably think it's a good idea to begin asking you for money too.

Makes sense. The contrast of this vs the West never ceases to amaze me though.

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