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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

[Image: Screen-Shot-2016-03-28-at-10.51.42-640x480.png]


The first man charged with the Islamic State (IS) Brussels terror attacks is a migrant rights activist and ‘freelance journalist’ who lived next door to headquarters of the European Union (EU).

Faycal Cheffou is thought to be the “man in the hat” pictured next to suicide bombers Najim Laachraoui and Ibrahim El Bakraoui as they entered Brussels airport shortly before 8am on the 22nd on March.

A taxi driver who dropped the men at the airport has identified him. When asked if he was the suspected third bomber, a source close to the inquiry told AFP: “That is a hypothesis the investigators are working on.”

Mr. Cheffou was listed as working for a radio station for North African migrants in an article from 2005. He claimed to be a ‘freelance journalist’ who took a special interest in refugees.

Last year Brussels Mayor, Yves Mayeur, accused him of trying to recruit jihadists among asylum seekers and migrants living at a refugee centre at Maximilien park near the northern rail station.

According to Belgium paper Le Soir, Mr. Mayeur considered him to be “dangerous” and repeatedly tried without success to have him legally expelled from the centre. Finally, in September, the mayor issued a ban to keep him out of the park.

L O L - but wait, it gets worse...

Man uses his daughter's death to promote multiculturalism:


The jurist and legal adviser was killed in the metro attack. Her father, an economics correspondent for the state broadcaster RTBF, appeared on an evening bulletin and said: “Lauriane had extremely strong values that she fiercely defended, including equality, justice, tolerance, gender equality. I’m not naive, I know very well that security is essential today. But I think that if we build walls of exclusion, if we cultivate hatred, we’re heading for disaster. If we want a different world in the future, we need respect, tolerance and love. And we owe that to all the Laurianes in the world.”

[Image: 573.jpg?w=620&q=20&auto=format&usm=12&fi...a18036b095]

Things have gotten so bad in Europe, fathers do not defend their daughters anymore. Time to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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