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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 11:26 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:24 AM)PUA_Rachacha Wrote:  

Can you reference a post in which Samseau predicts this tragedy?

I also don't understand this painting as Samseau as Nostradamus. This stuff is an obvious inevitable consequence of European leftism. People have been talking about this even before the 2001WTC attacks and 2005 London bombings. I even remember back when I was in school, with the WTC attacks came on the TV in the morning, my father muttering accurate suspicions of who did it -- so even his generation knew what was up. This stuff is obvious, not unpredictable, and blogs like 'Gates of Vienna' have been around and talking about it since 2003. Predicting 'there will be more muslim immigration and terrorist attacks on European soil' is like predicting it will rain this year.

There are some very pathetic people on this forum, spiteful and just sad.

When I made my predictions about the imminent crisis and WW3 facing Europe, I got 6 likes and everyone said I was fearmongering, doomsday nonsense.

Now that the terrorist attacks and crime are nonstop, some of you guys are saying "well of course Samseau predicted this anyone could have, Islam is Islam, people predicted this back in 2001," absolutely pathetic. When did the RVF get these bitter haters?

Not everything I predict comes true, but most of them do.

I called out future of mass rape in Europe: thread-50253...pid1115423

The complete breakdown of political order in Western Europe and advent of WW3: thread-50253...pid1141938

Genocide in Europe: thread-50253...pid1145789

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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