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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-27-2011 11:07 PM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2011 10:44 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Why is a "nice" black suburb, without section 8 housing, a "rich hood" and not just a black suburb? What's the difference?
It's the attitude of the inhabitants. I know all black suburbs don't have those who are materialistic and want to live a BET rap vid, but in DC's black suburbs east of the city, even outside of the beltway, most of them have this mentality that since they're making a bit of money, now they can act as hood as they want without repercussions. Or even if the parents are honest and hard working black professionals, their kids (especially if they go to public schools) will try to compensate for being in "the burbs" by posing so hard to be a thug, and in some cases, they end up worse than those who are actually in da hood.

Not to say that there aren't nice black suburbs but from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, most of it is a front.

So, what's the solution for black guys, like yourself, who want to live in the suburbs?

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