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Girls with a lot of guyfriends a waste of time?

Girls with a lot of guyfriends a waste of time?

Girls use guy friends for social proof, validation, and they cynically use their sexuality to win favours from them while pretending (in a feat of intellectual dishonesty) that the guy friend doesn't secretly want to fuck them.

Two examples:

GIRL 1 (who I was fucking) told me about this nice guy orbiter who was helping her paint her house (as well as doing all sort of other shit for her). I explained to her that he wants to fuck her. Though I was fully aware she realised this, I was interested in how she hamsterised this fact.

"Why would he like me in that way! After all, he's married!"

This is what she said. It's amazing the intellectual gymnastics they have to do to. Forward a few months later and the guy's fixation has evolved into stalker-territory, and he won't leave her alone. I had no sympathy for her, because she knew the deal.

Girl 2 (who I was fucking) told me about this past fitness instructor friend she had who was training her off the clock for FREE. Some months later the predictable text comes through asking her out. I asked her what she did.

Her exact response: "I ignored it because I didn't fancy him".

Don't be those guys.

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