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Girls with a lot of guyfriends a waste of time?

Girls with a lot of guyfriends a waste of time?

Quote: (02-26-2016 02:47 AM)Mr Mandingo Wrote:  

In my experience the really smart ones amongst the orbiters have at least hit it once. Following that they don't mind being friends if the girl has a cool personality and even if she goes on to have a serious bf they still remain on the scene. Perhaps not as a FWB but just there to plug any potential gaps in sexual continuity the girl my have and both parties know this!

I once had a LTR with one of these kind of 'friends' and one day when she was careless with her facebook account i nosed through her very old messages and realised this one particular friend had fucked her once when she was drunk. From the evidence in the messages it happened just once, but it did. In conclusion I think the idea of such girls giving NOTHING back in return is not right. They do or have done.

Agree with this. I know this girl (just friends), and she has a tonne of beta orbiter guy friends, hell she even tried to get me into her beta carousel and I was on there for a while before I came to my senses. Anyway on a night out once this really weird beta orbiter who is always around her, and who i thought would never stand a chance...lo and behold, he was taking her out for drinks solo 1 on 1, this only came out as we were all drunk and talking $ willing to put my last cent he fucked her at least once!!

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