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The Donald Trump thread

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:18 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:18 PM)username Wrote:  

CNN's video on the wall. Actually pretty unbiased.

Here is another one. This one shows the joke that is the current wall. This one unfortunately takes a few swipes at Trump.

I feel dumber after watching those.

There's a pretty long wall--5500 miles--in China that was built hundreds of years before steam power was even invented. A more recent wall was along the Inner German Border during the cold war. It was 866 miles long.

Americans completed the Empire State Building, which is 1250 feet tall sans antenna, in 1931. We harnessed the power of atomic fission for war in 1945 and finished our first nuclear power plant in 1957. We got edged out by the damn commies on that one, but then we never had a Chernobyl so they can suck it. We put men on the moon in 1969, and no other country has managed that yet. Anyone telling me it's a challenge for Americans to build a goddamn wall in 2016 can fuck right off.

I agree this "impossibility" of the wall construction is retarded. There are plenty of wall examples out there.

Israel anyone?
[Image: ouro.583.1.jpg]
precast sections put in place with cranes. These sections can be moved out as Israel encroaches further into palestine as well. 400 miles long on a militarized border. 5 times that length on a passive border? piece of cake.

PS the guard towers can also be replaced with giant menacing concrete statues of Trump.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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