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Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

Kesha sues Dr. Luke for sexual and emotional abuse

I didn't care about this story before I saw the hashtag #freekesha trending on Twitter. Some thoughts.

1. I've been on Twitter for 6 years now. I'm very much a fan but I'm ready to leave thanks to the censorship. But I've learned more about human behavior from six years on Twitter than anything I could learn in a book or going to college.

The current groupthink is that Kesha was raped and this is somehow a human rights issue and a "women are treated as slaves" narrative. This particular trend is toxic because its added in the younger female pop music fans who are by far the dumbest most inspid group on Twitter. Seriously, they treat people like Justin Bieber or One Direction or whomever as literal gods and I've seen some of the most vicious mobbing behavior from their to whomever insults their precious idols. So you have the typical SocJus and the dumb teenybopper female pop fans and combined you have the worst of both worlds.

2. Its amazing we had the Enlightenment and created things like seperation of chuch and state, the scientific method, reason, seperation of powers, trial by jury, etc. I see the mindless masses and how they tweet I honestly can't say they're wiser than the people in the middle ages. Maybe a bit hyperbole but wow. Its amazing people lack the ability to take 10 seconds to really use their critical thinking skills. They're completley drunk on emotion like one would be on alcohol.

3. I'm alwayd dissapointed in social media because its always dominated by leftist/liberals. Do conservatives just stay off social media? Do they not tweet as much? Because from elections its clear there's more a even split in America but when you go on social media it seems like 90/10 in favor of liberals/Democrats/SJWs etc. I'm not even a conservative I just like a balance of power which keeps both sides in check. Also I can accept that MSM and Sillicon Valley are controlled like puppets but anyone can theoretically make a Twitter or Facebook account. Obviously there's more social stigma for conservatives but its a little disheartening all the same. We're losing the information war even in the theoretically democratic playing field of social media.

4. I don't even know the details of the case or whether Kesha really was sexually abused or whatever. I always take a agnostic approach to these things. I don't know so I won't take one side or comment. My problem is with this atmoshere of complete emtional irrationality. This is the kind of thing that lead to the Salem Witch Hunts or McCarthyism or the more obscure case of daycare teachers being accused satanic ritual abuse of children.

Its kinda exhausting having to see the same thing week after week and realizing how dumb and unwise people are. I've honestly thought about not reading news or doing social media which would unfortunately include Roosh's tweets and even this forum. I'm just so sick of it.

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