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If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10

This is what is really driving this "VOLAGS" (Curious if the State Dept intended that it sound like GULAGS?) ... US Department of State, Bureau of Population and Migration funding ... Hillary Clinton has fully subscribed to this Globalist's intention of destroying ethnicity worldwide - especially focused on Cold white states and transplanting people from equatorial regions to states on the US Canadian border??? Samseau is correct under HRC POTUS Reign the USA will become an Islamo Terroists proving ground as the Mullah Obama has been quietly bringing in tens of thousands of "refugees" from Muslim countries with majority radical islamists sympathies for many years now!. Obama hates his white Christian Ancestry and is doing everything to correct that "disease" in America by importing massive number of hostiles to the USA be they MS 13 Drugs murderers or ISIS sympathizers.

Soon we will all be living in Brazilian Style armed and gated communities with 15 foot walls topped with razor wire and driving in up armored old Humvees and Suburban vans. Both will be growth industries for those with entrepreneurial instincts.
Isho Mohamed is happy to be farming again. In her home country of Somalia, Isho grew corn, potatoes, yams, bananas, pumpkin, watermelon, squash, beans, spinach and many other crops. Photo provided by the SBCA-NH. The Somali Bantu Community Association of New Hampshire (SBCA-NH) is working with Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS) to create a hands-on agricultural program for refugees living in Manchester. Many Somali Bantu and other refugee groups have found the current economy difficult to navigate and often hard to get healthy food into their homes. SBCA-NH’s agriculture program will allow resettled refugees the opportunity to provide healthy food for their families while building community through the culturally familiar practice of farming.

The local Obamunist SJWs are literally Out Loud Proud and Bragging about this:

New Hampshire Refugee Program
Refugee Family

The New Hampshire Refugee Program (NHRP) operates under the New Hampshire Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs. The primary goal of the Refugee Program is to assist refugees in their quest for economic self-sufficiency and successful integration. The NHRP is funded through the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Refugee Program staff work closely with the two New Hampshire voluntary resettlement agencies (volags), Ascentria Care Alliance and the International Institute of New Hampshire, as well as other area partners to support refugee integration.

These nonprofit voluntary resettlement agencies (volags) receive US Department of State, Bureau of Population and Migration funding and agree to resettle a number of refugees at the start of the fiscal year based on their capacity to provide services for new arrivals and the number of refugees coming into the U.S. Additional money is provided to states by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide self-sufficiency services. These services include:

Case Management: Resettlement agencies facilitate and coordinate a variety of services including housing, healthcare, referrals and general support services as refugees transition into their communities.

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA): Funds are designed to assist refugees during their 8 month, initial resettlement period. All refugees are entitled to Refugee Medical Assistance for their first eight months in the US. To be eligible for RCA, however, a refugee must be ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other cash support programs.

English as a Second Language: voluntary agencies collectively provide over 90 hours a week in English Language Training. Other public and private organizations provide additional ESOL in communities throughout New Hampshire. Classes are designed to help refugees achieve competencies in key linguistic areas, preparing them to meet their everyday language needs at work and in community life.

Employment Services: These include an assessment of vocational skills, job development, job placement and follow up services with local employers. The hard work of refugee employment counselors has made New Hampshire a model state for refugee resettlement. Refugees often find full-time employment within the first two or three months of arrival.

Preventive Health: The primary goal of the Preventive Health Program is to prevent and control problems of public health significance among incoming refugees, with emphasis on those health problems that may create barriers to self-sufficiency. The program ensures that refugees have access to health education, case management and interpreter services.

School Impact: This program targets school-aged refugees to support successful integration and academic achievement. The contractors also work closely with refugee parents and school personnel to discuss/resolve issues relevant to children's school performance. The program provides a multitude of services that include leadership development, counseling, academic support, after school activities, parent training and cultural competency training for school personnel.

Services for Older Refugees: Older Refugees are often isolated from the mainstream community. The goal of the Services for Older Refugees program is to help older refugees access services available to mainstream older citizens. Contractors work with senior centers to develop culturally appropriate activities and improve cultural competence. Contractors also provide individualized case management to older refugees to resolve barriers to well-being, such as health access, transportation and housing issues. Finally, the project assists older refugees prepare for and achieve citizenship.

These people are literally treated better than US Military Veterans...

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