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If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Printable Version

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If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Although the European migrant invasion gets a lot of press, what isn't talked about is how America's open borders have already done incredible damage to the USA and will be ratcheted up to 11 if anyone but Trump takes the next election.

Obama is America's Merkel.


In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday.

What's more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked.

"We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether," suggested agent Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council.

Testifying on the two-year border surge of immigrant youths, Judd said the policy shift was prompted by Obama administration "embarrassment" that just over half of illegals ordered to appear in court actually do.

"The willful failure to show up for court appearances by persons that were arrested and released by the Border Patrol has become an extreme embarrassment for the Department of Homeland Security. It has been so embarrassing that DHS and the U.S. attorney's office has come up with a new policy," he testified before the immigration subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.

The biggest change: Undocumented immigrants are no longer given a "notice to appear" order, because they simply ignore them. Judd said that border agents jokingly refer to the NTAs as "notices to disappear."

Notice, also, how all of the illegals who cross America's border are "youths"? They aren't youths. It's bullshit, just like the "youths" are bullshit in Europe. They are teenagers or young men.

In reality, they belong to large Mexican drug gangs that are taking over the SouthWestern part of the USA and are infiltrating as many cities as possible. It is likely that LA is totally compromised.


Criminal networks with Latin American roots, such as MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, are using the administration's open-door policy at the border to slip in recruits that are causing a huge spike in murder and violence throughout the nation, according to an immigration expert.

Testifying Thursday at a House hearing on the border surge of young Latinos, the expert said, "Established gangs have been able to transfer an unknown number of experienced foot soldiers from Central America to help colonize new criminal territory in the United States."

Jessica M. Vaughan, the policy director for the Center for Immigration Studies, told the House Judiciary Committee's Immigration and Border Security subcommittee that "the tide of new young people, many of whom have already been exposed or involved in street gangs at home, has provided a huge pool of new recruits for the gangs here. Gangs such as MS-13 and 18th Street are enjoying a brutal revival in certain parts of the country and are establishing themselves in new places."

She added, "Violent transnational gangs such as MS-13 have taken full advantage of the Obama administration's welcome mat to swell their ranks here, contributing to a noticeable spike in gang violence in certain localities – with tragic results."

Vaughan offered dramatic details of the results of the "catch and release" policy employed by the administration as it grabs illegal immigrants crossing the border, then lets them go on a promise they will return for court hearings — which few make good on.

In the testimony provided in advance of the hearing to Secrets, she said:

— In Frederick County, Md., 20 miles from the White House, crime has jumped since about 265 illegal unaccompanied Central American minors were placed there. Gang fights in schools are now common and one of the older MS-13 "shot callers" was approved for President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

— In Boston, cops just arrested 56 MS-13 gang members, many who arrived in the surge of younger Latinos. Some have been linked to teen murders in an initiation rite, trying to prove themselves worthy of full membership.

— In Loudoun, County, Va., home to Washington's Dulles International Airport, three unaccompanied minors who arrived in 2013 have been indicted for the gang-related murder of 17-year-old Danny Centeno Miranda, also an unaccompanied minor living with his uncle.


Drug cartels bring unaccompanied children to the Rio Grande valley to serve as diversions that distract border security officials from smugglers and drug traffickers, according to a Border Patrol union official.

"The unaccompanied minors could have walked right up to the Port of Entry and asked for asylum," Brandon Judd, National Border Patrol Council official, told a House Judiciary subcommittee panel in prepared testimony on Thursday. "Why did the cartels drive them to the middle of the desert and then have them cross over the Rio Grande only to surrender to the first Border Patrol agent they came across? The reason is that it completely tied up our manpower and allowed the cartels to smuggle whatever they wanted across our border."

America has been dealing with this bullshit for decades. But the real kicker is that America will be importing millions upon millions of Islamic "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa if anyone but Trump is put in power. Even Trump may turn out to be a phony, but it's the least likely outcome out of all candidates.

Regardless, if Trump loses, there won't be anywhere to run. The entire Western World will be compromised, and I strongly suspect that being a foreigner in most countries will be a one-way ticket to getting mugged or killed once there is no more all-powerful American state to protect you abroad.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - eradicator - 02-05-2016

If that were the case, we would be getting millions of refu-jihadis already. The atlantic ocean will keep a lot of the refu-jihadis out.

Hopefully Trump wins and builds a wall, but hot damn, it wouldn't shock me if the cucks that are pulling the strings force a Rubio vs Clinton general election. Would Trump run third party then? I certainly hope so.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - RexImperator - 02-05-2016

There has apparently been a big flow of Cubans across the southern border. They travel through Central America and once on US soil get automatic asylum.


The preferential treatment for Cuban migrants has created resentment among other Central American immigrants. Tens of thousands of people fleeing violence in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala have arrived in the U.S. since the summer of 2014 and applied for asylum. According to the Times, of the nearly thousand of those cases that judges have heard so far, eighty per cent have ended with deportation. The U.S. has been chartering fourteen flights a week since 2014 to send these migrants back to Central America.

Planes heading south from the U.S. carry deportees, while planes heading north, from Costa Rica, deliver Cuban immigrants most of the way to the U.S. border. “The Obama Administration has two problems,” William LeoGrande, a regional expert and co-author of the book “Backchannel to Cuba,” wrote in an e-mail. “One is the striking contrast between the treatment of Cubans looking for economic opportunity and Central American families fleeing gang violence. The second problem is that the open door for Cubans on the Texas border, combined with the greater freedom to travel the Cuban government has given its people since 2013, means the flow of Cubans through Mexico is not going to diminish anytime soon

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 04:36 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If that were the case, we would be getting millions of refu-jihadis already. The atlantic ocean will keep a lot of the refu-jihadis out.

They will fly 'em in with tax money. Obama already has started.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - amity - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 04:36 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If that were the case, we would be getting millions of refu-jihadis already. The atlantic ocean will keep a lot of the refu-jihadis out.

Hopefully Trump wins and builds a wall, but hot damn, it wouldn't shock me if the cucks that are pulling the strings force a Rubio vs Clinton general election. Would Trump run third party then? I certainly hope so.

This is certainly the outcome the Establishment wants and they will do all in their power to achieve it, rigging it if necessary.
See my post in the other Trump thread.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Foolsgo1d - 02-05-2016

I'm pretty sure if the US saw a need to challenge the problems of migration they already would have built a solid wall and create penal colonies off shore to house the violent gangmembers.

Currently, they have yet to do such measures. Your country has already seen traditional American areas resemble some place out of South America or Spain with the violence of SA mixed in. Whilst you may go on about what Muslims are doing to Europe and the UK, we have yet to see violence coming anywhere close to those found in California, inner cities and Florida.

The worst you can expect from going into a no-go zone here is being mugged, beaten up or put in hospital. Your chances of being murdered in the US by these gangs or other factors is incredibly high.

The sheer size of the USA makes these things invisible, meanwhile you have criminals creeping into every place and claiming it as theirs.

The fact the justice system does not execute gangsters for murder or other serious crimes is going to come up within the next 20 years I'm sure. How many of these guys are in prison currently? How any of them realistically are able to be rehab'd and placed in society again as opposed to those who carry on gangwarfare from the inside?

It will be interesting to see how any Presidential administration could deal with this embedded criminal parasite. They would have to go all or nothing in order to displace them and make society a better place. Thats a war waiting to happen. Feds vs gangs.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Libertas - 02-05-2016

This is a clickbait headline. The numbers of illegals have actually declined quite significantly since the late 2000s. The Cuban flow is significant, but it's not anywhere near what Europe is seeing, and most of them aren't getting anywhere. The oceans and the deserts guarantees that America will not see these massive migrant waves like Europe is seeing.

We still need the wall and we still need to stop flying them in, but get some perspective.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Sherman - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 08:54 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

This is a clickbait headline. The numbers of illegals have actually declined quite significantly since the late 2000s. The Cuban flow is significant, but it's not anywhere near what Europe is seeing, and most of them aren't getting anywhere. The oceans and the deserts guarantees that America will not see these massive migrant waves like Europe is seeing.

We still need the wall and we still need to stop flying them in, but get some perspective.

The oceans don't help when they are being flown in to the country by a UN refugee program. There are now mosques even in remote places like North Dakota.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Libertas - 02-05-2016

Notice the emphasis on degree.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - rw95 - 02-05-2016

I fear that I'll wake up the morning after election day 2016 and read these words: Hillary Clinton elected 45th President of the United States. The powers that be have practically guaranteed it.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Barry Scrotada - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 09:19 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

The oceans don't help when they are being flown in to the country by a UN refugee program. There are now mosques even in remote places like North Dakota.

Montanans and Idahoans are fighting the nonsense:

I can understand people from all nations and all religions in NYC or LA or another big city, but why do small towns in the Rockies need Syrians? Why are we paying for $1000+ flights for people to resettle in Missoula, Bozeman, and so on? Are the refugees saying, Allah please deliver us to Twin Falls?

"They don't want to live among the refugees because they are backwards racist hillbillies who are stuck in the past." How about considering that people want things to remain the same because it works? Farming, transport, mining is what they have done for generations, and no one is asking for help or 'replacement labor' from non English speakers.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - The Black Knight - 02-05-2016

Migrants/illegals are a serious threat to the fabric and integrity of the US. This isn't news to anyone here. What is frustrating is how both liberals and cucks are completely blinded to the long-term ramifications of allowing in large amounts of people into the country illegally or people who have no business being here even legally.

The media and elites are already prepping for whites to be a minority class in 20-30 years. How many times have we seen the media declare how hispanics are going to be the majority by 2050 or sometime around then and everyone just needs to rolls over and assume its normal for a 300+ million county to just flip in demographics after a steady 200 years with minimal change in a few generation cycles?

As of now, Trump really is the last line of defense on this matter. After that, I think we hit the point of no return and people like us here are just going to have to learn how to adapt to the situation or leave all together (excluding a civil war kind of event occurring). Honestly, between the rise of anti-male/militant feminism non-sense and the coddling/nurturing of non-citizens (among many other issues), I'm probably gonna bolt (at least part-time) if the tide doesn't turn in the near future. Getting treated like a second class citizen in your own country is bullshit.

To digress a bit: Pat Buchanan covered a lot of today's issues in a book called The Death of the West. I never read the book but I know the bullet points. It was published in 2001 and it's kind of crazy how dead on he was about things we talk about here today.

Covers stuff like the death of a family wage (men can't provide) , the rise of feminism (tells men they are not needed/career more important than family), political correctness run amok (no one is allowed to question bullshit anywhere; including the two aforementioned points), and how open borders (Europe with islamic migrants and the US with latin american migrants) is leading to the perfect storm of destroying modern western society. Nothing really new to anyone here but this was published in 2001 and a lot of his predictions were dead on from what I can tell.

For those who want to read some summary points on the book:

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Fast Eddie - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:48 AM)Barry Scrotada Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 09:19 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

The oceans don't help when they are being flown in to the country by a UN refugee program. There are now mosques even in remote places like North Dakota.

Montanans and Idahoans are fighting the nonsense:

I can understand people from all nations and all religions in NYC or LA or another big city, but why do small towns in the Rockies need Syrians? Why are we paying for $1000+ flights for people to resettle in Missoula, Bozeman, and so on? Are the refugees saying, Allah please deliver us to Twin Falls?

"They don't want to live among the refugees because they are backwards racist hillbillies who are stuck in the past." How about considering that people want things to remain the same because it works? Farming, transport, mining is what they have done for generations, and no one is asking for help or 'replacement labor' from non English speakers.

It's because they don't want people like you and me to have anywhere to escape to. They learned from "white flight" and are making a repeat of it impossible by not concentrating diversity in a few large urban areas, but spreading them to every nook and cranny in the country.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:50 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Honestly, between the rise of anti-male/militant feminism non-sense and the coddling/nurturing of non-citizens (among many other issues), I'm probably gonna bolt (at least part-time) if the tide doesn't turn in the near future. Getting treated like a second class citizen in your own country is bullshit.

You'll be treated like a second class citizen no matter where you go once America loses its world power status.

Unless you marry into some wealthy family abroad, expatriating will accomplish very little.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 08:54 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

This is a clickbait headline. The numbers of illegals have actually declined quite significantly since the late 2000s.

The decline in illegals is only because the global elites are focusing on destroying Europe first. America is a tougher nut to crack due to it's size and guns. Also American government systems prevent any large scale welfare programs for illegals on the same size as they are in Europe. But make no mistake, they will do the same thing here as they are in Europe if they can secure another puppet president. They will grant amnesty, which will then give them millions of more votes, and the new politicians elected will then increase the welfare programs x10 to invite not only most of Latin America, but tens of millions of Muzzies from abroad as well.


We still need the wall and we still need to stop flying them in, but get some perspective.

I have perspective, which is why I'm sharing it with you.

War is being foisted upon the West. What will the people do about it?

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - rw95 - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 11:42 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:50 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Honestly, between the rise of anti-male/militant feminism non-sense and the coddling/nurturing of non-citizens (among many other issues), I'm probably gonna bolt (at least part-time) if the tide doesn't turn in the near future. Getting treated like a second class citizen in your own country is bullshit.

You'll be treated like a second class citizen no matter where you go once America loses its world power status.

Unless you marry into some wealthy family abroad, expatriating will accomplish very little.

There's no running away anymore. If the US succumbs (western Europe is already too far gone), the cancer will simply spread everywhere else. We either stop it here and now or we lose.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - greekgod - 02-05-2016

Give the immies a map of where the big ticket wealth in this country is located.

Fuck them, they have so much more to lose than us.

All you have to do is make it more dangerous for them to create such crazy policies that it is for us.

I heard there are gold bars buried all through out the Hamptons.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Deepdiver - 02-05-2016

This is what is really driving this "VOLAGS" (Curious if the State Dept intended that it sound like GULAGS?) ... US Department of State, Bureau of Population and Migration funding ... Hillary Clinton has fully subscribed to this Globalist's intention of destroying ethnicity worldwide - especially focused on Cold white states and transplanting people from equatorial regions to states on the US Canadian border??? Samseau is correct under HRC POTUS Reign the USA will become an Islamo Terroists proving ground as the Mullah Obama has been quietly bringing in tens of thousands of "refugees" from Muslim countries with majority radical islamists sympathies for many years now!. Obama hates his white Christian Ancestry and is doing everything to correct that "disease" in America by importing massive number of hostiles to the USA be they MS 13 Drugs murderers or ISIS sympathizers.

Soon we will all be living in Brazilian Style armed and gated communities with 15 foot walls topped with razor wire and driving in up armored old Humvees and Suburban vans. Both will be growth industries for those with entrepreneurial instincts.
Isho Mohamed is happy to be farming again. In her home country of Somalia, Isho grew corn, potatoes, yams, bananas, pumpkin, watermelon, squash, beans, spinach and many other crops. Photo provided by the SBCA-NH. The Somali Bantu Community Association of New Hampshire (SBCA-NH) is working with Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS) to create a hands-on agricultural program for refugees living in Manchester. Many Somali Bantu and other refugee groups have found the current economy difficult to navigate and often hard to get healthy food into their homes. SBCA-NH’s agriculture program will allow resettled refugees the opportunity to provide healthy food for their families while building community through the culturally familiar practice of farming.

The local Obamunist SJWs are literally Out Loud Proud and Bragging about this:

New Hampshire Refugee Program
Refugee Family

The New Hampshire Refugee Program (NHRP) operates under the New Hampshire Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs. The primary goal of the Refugee Program is to assist refugees in their quest for economic self-sufficiency and successful integration. The NHRP is funded through the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Refugee Program staff work closely with the two New Hampshire voluntary resettlement agencies (volags), Ascentria Care Alliance and the International Institute of New Hampshire, as well as other area partners to support refugee integration.

These nonprofit voluntary resettlement agencies (volags) receive US Department of State, Bureau of Population and Migration funding and agree to resettle a number of refugees at the start of the fiscal year based on their capacity to provide services for new arrivals and the number of refugees coming into the U.S. Additional money is provided to states by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide self-sufficiency services. These services include:

Case Management: Resettlement agencies facilitate and coordinate a variety of services including housing, healthcare, referrals and general support services as refugees transition into their communities.

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA): Funds are designed to assist refugees during their 8 month, initial resettlement period. All refugees are entitled to Refugee Medical Assistance for their first eight months in the US. To be eligible for RCA, however, a refugee must be ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other cash support programs.

English as a Second Language: voluntary agencies collectively provide over 90 hours a week in English Language Training. Other public and private organizations provide additional ESOL in communities throughout New Hampshire. Classes are designed to help refugees achieve competencies in key linguistic areas, preparing them to meet their everyday language needs at work and in community life.

Employment Services: These include an assessment of vocational skills, job development, job placement and follow up services with local employers. The hard work of refugee employment counselors has made New Hampshire a model state for refugee resettlement. Refugees often find full-time employment within the first two or three months of arrival.

Preventive Health: The primary goal of the Preventive Health Program is to prevent and control problems of public health significance among incoming refugees, with emphasis on those health problems that may create barriers to self-sufficiency. The program ensures that refugees have access to health education, case management and interpreter services.

School Impact: This program targets school-aged refugees to support successful integration and academic achievement. The contractors also work closely with refugee parents and school personnel to discuss/resolve issues relevant to children's school performance. The program provides a multitude of services that include leadership development, counseling, academic support, after school activities, parent training and cultural competency training for school personnel.

Services for Older Refugees: Older Refugees are often isolated from the mainstream community. The goal of the Services for Older Refugees program is to help older refugees access services available to mainstream older citizens. Contractors work with senior centers to develop culturally appropriate activities and improve cultural competence. Contractors also provide individualized case management to older refugees to resolve barriers to well-being, such as health access, transportation and housing issues. Finally, the project assists older refugees prepare for and achieve citizenship.

These people are literally treated better than US Military Veterans...

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Deepdiver - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 06:57 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 04:36 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If that were the case, we would be getting millions of refu-jihadis already. The atlantic ocean will keep a lot of the refu-jihadis out.

They will fly 'em in with tax money. Obama already has started.

As I documented in the post above BILLION$$$ are being spent by Mullah Sheikh Barack Hussein Obama to destroy the fabric of America and what it means to be American by importing millions of hostile Hate America Firsters exploding crime and terrorism and making the USA much less safe - this is his agenda for the next 12 months and the Cuckservative Congress and Senate traitors enabled BHO with $300 Billion Refugee Resettlement budget to do so - ho much more damage can he do in 12 months with $300 Billion?

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Jaydublin - 02-05-2016

I don't think it will be as bad as Samseau suggests, even if the worst of the worst are elected, Bernie/Hillary. I think America will see Europe in 2016 and begin to wise up. We may not keep out many of the hispanics but we won't be bringing in many refugees from the Middle East. Personally, I'd rather live among middle class hispanics than whites or blacks, too bad the USA imports the poorest of the poor hispanics.

I do think it would be smart for everybody here to come up with a 5-10 year plan. Be ready to be mobile in 5 or 10 years. You won't need a fortune and you don't need to be Simon Black with 50 passports. But come up with an amount of money you need to live for a while. I would also try to get some passive income online or have a few rental homes that cashflow with local management. I don't think it will be the end in 5 years but the environment might not be one you enjoy living in, though I think 10 and most likely 20 years is a more accurate timeframe for a complete culture change. I don't think the USA will be recognizable in 20 years.

Personally, I love South America and that is probably where I will reside(spent most of the last few years here). Certain 3rd tier cities are perfect tranquil places where people are top notch. Spanish and Portuguese are very easy languages to learn as well. Culture is not all that different and girls are sexy in many of these cities. Its not hard to live a pretty decent life for 1,000-1200 a month.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - The Black Knight - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 11:59 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 11:42 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:50 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Honestly, between the rise of anti-male/militant feminism non-sense and the coddling/nurturing of non-citizens (among many other issues), I'm probably gonna bolt (at least part-time) if the tide doesn't turn in the near future. Getting treated like a second class citizen in your own country is bullshit.

You'll be treated like a second class citizen no matter where you go once America loses its world power status.

Unless you marry into some wealthy family abroad, expatriating will accomplish very little.

There's no running away anymore. If the US succumbs (western Europe is already too far gone), the cancer will simply spread everywhere else. We either stop it here and now or we lose.

Whether the cancer will spread is debatable. To what degree and how fast is very subjective. The US and Western Europe have been inviting these issues non-stop for several decades and there is still time to turn the ship around; especially in the US. I don't see places like Russia, Hungary, Japan, and certain Latin American as well as others just bending over to political correctness all of a sudden. Certainly not in a fashion were the fabric of such countries would transform super quickly. I'm not saying they would be perfect or ideal but they would be significant improvements over other options in meeting my primary objectives at that particularly time period.

I should clarify my position a bit: If i were to bolt or re-locate somewhere else, its mostly to take advantage of cheaper cost and a more friendly environment (culturally, legally. better women, etc) for starting a family. The US is already a pretty expensive place to live in and the environment for having a family is largely toxic across the board. If the US improves, then staying is an option. If I degrades, leaving for somewhere that is a few generation cycles minimum from being infected is probably better than staying. It's a constantly evolving situation so I can't make any decisions right now nor do I need to at the present time but I am preparing myself for all possible scenarios.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - The Black Knight - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 12:57 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

I don't think it will be as bad as Samseau suggests, even if the worst of the worst are elected, Bernie/Hillary. I think America will see Europe in 2016 and begin to wise up. We may not keep out many of the hispanics but we won't be bringing in many refugees from the Middle East. Personally, I'd rather live among middle class hispanics than whites or blacks, too bad the USA imports the poorest of the poor hispanics.

I do think it would be smart for everybody here to come up with a 5-10 year plan. Be ready to be mobile in 5 or 10 years. You won't need a fortune and you don't need to be Simon Black with 50 passports. But come up with an amount of money you need to live for a while. I would also try to get some passive income online or have a few rental homes that cashflow with local management. I don't think it will be the end in 5 years but the environment might not be one you enjoy living in, though I think 10 and most likely 20 years is a more accurate timeframe for a complete culture change. I don't think the USA will be recognizable in 20 years.

Personally, I love South America and that is probably where I will reside(spent most of the last few years here). Certain 3rd tier cities are perfect tranquil places where people are top notch. Spanish and Portuguese are very easy languages to learn as well. Culture is not all that different and girls are sexy in many of these cities. Its not hard to live a pretty decent life for 1,000-1200 a month.

Damn dude, are you a mind reader? This is pretty much my plan and mindset. Get passive income streams going, 5-10 year window, LA/Spain for easy language/cheap cost/sexy women/family oriented culture. I don't think the US is coming to an end in the near future but living here and trying to start a family (especially if Hillary gets elected) is going to be even more of a nightmare. Hillary (and probably Bernie too) will push the worst aspects of militant feminist/politically correct beliefs into law where pretty much being a man and just existing is likely to be a crime.

Say goodbye to any chance of having even a semi-decent environment to start a traditional family where the man is the respected head of household and given the proper respect both among his family AND within the community. The latter is especially important and is basically non-existent now in modern America; as evident by the current legal and cultural realities.

If the tide turns (Trump getting elected being a damn good start), then consider staying.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 01:12 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 12:57 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

I don't think it will be as bad as Samseau suggests, even if the worst of the worst are elected, Bernie/Hillary. I think America will see Europe in 2016 and begin to wise up. We may not keep out many of the hispanics but we won't be bringing in many refugees from the Middle East. Personally, I'd rather live among middle class hispanics than whites or blacks, too bad the USA imports the poorest of the poor hispanics.

I do think it would be smart for everybody here to come up with a 5-10 year plan. Be ready to be mobile in 5 or 10 years. You won't need a fortune and you don't need to be Simon Black with 50 passports. But come up with an amount of money you need to live for a while. I would also try to get some passive income online or have a few rental homes that cashflow with local management. I don't think it will be the end in 5 years but the environment might not be one you enjoy living in, though I think 10 and most likely 20 years is a more accurate timeframe for a complete culture change. I don't think the USA will be recognizable in 20 years.

Personally, I love South America and that is probably where I will reside(spent most of the last few years here). Certain 3rd tier cities are perfect tranquil places where people are top notch. Spanish and Portuguese are very easy languages to learn as well. Culture is not all that different and girls are sexy in many of these cities. Its not hard to live a pretty decent life for 1,000-1200 a month.

Damn dude, are you a mind reader? This is pretty much my plan and mindset. Get passive income streams going, 5-10 year window, LA/Spain for easy language/cheap cost/sexy women/family oriented culture. I don't think the US is coming to an end in the near future but living here and trying to start a family (especially if Hillary gets elected) is going to be even more of a nightmare. Hillary (and probably Bernie too) will push the worst aspects of militant feminist/politically correct beliefs into law where pretty much being a man and existing is likely to be a crime.

If the tide turns (Trump getting elected being a damn good start), then consider staying.

Passive income streams are mostly a pipedream. Once the American economy dries up (it's not going to last more than 5 years at current rates), American's won't be buying shit online and you'll have zero income in a foreign culture. Good luck surviving.

The guys who say the decline will happen in 20 years from now are the same ones who said back in 2008 that Obama wouldn't be so bad, the American economy will have recovered, people would start having more kids, feminism would become less and less acceptable, etc.

The only thing left to do is prepare for war. Anything else is a waste of time.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - Samseau - 02-05-2016

Here's the American economy:

[Image: attachment.jpg29559]

(If you don't know what the above terms mean, look them up on investopedia.)

A free-fall. 8 more years and people will barely enough have money for food and water at current rates. The idea that you'll make an online income is fantasy.

If anyone but Trump we can expect America to have a migrant invasion crisis x10 - rw95 - 02-05-2016

Quote: (02-05-2016 01:04 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 11:59 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 11:42 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2016 10:50 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Honestly, between the rise of anti-male/militant feminism non-sense and the coddling/nurturing of non-citizens (among many other issues), I'm probably gonna bolt (at least part-time) if the tide doesn't turn in the near future. Getting treated like a second class citizen in your own country is bullshit.

You'll be treated like a second class citizen no matter where you go once America loses its world power status.

Unless you marry into some wealthy family abroad, expatriating will accomplish very little.

There's no running away anymore. If the US succumbs (western Europe is already too far gone), the cancer will simply spread everywhere else. We either stop it here and now or we lose.

Whether the cancer will spread is debatable. To what degree and how fast is very subjective. The US and Western Europe have been inviting these issues non-stop for several decades and there is still time to turn the ship around; especially in the US. I don't see places like Russia, Hungary, Japan, and certain Latin American as well as others just bending over to political correctness all of a sudden. Certainly not in a fashion were the fabric of such countries would transform super quickly. I'm not saying they would be perfect or ideal but they would be significant improvements over other options in meeting my primary objectives at that particularly time period.

I should clarify my position a bit: If i were to bolt or re-locate somewhere else, its mostly to take advantage of cheaper cost and a more friendly environment (culturally, legally. better women, etc) for starting a family. The US is already a pretty expensive place to live in and the environment for having a family is largely toxic across the board. If the US improves, then staying is an option. If I degrades, leaving for somewhere that is a few generation cycles minimum from being infected is probably better than staying. It's a constantly evolving situation so I can't make any decisions right now nor do I need to at the present time but I am preparing myself for all possible scenarios.

It's a very interesting and very scary time to be alive right now. At the moment Russia is the only major world power fighting against the degeneracy we see so much of in the west, and if Eastern Europe sees Russia as a better option than what's going on in the west, we could very well see the rebirth of a USSR-type superstate. I agree that the US still has a chance to turn this ship around, but this election is our VERY LAST chance to do so. Western Europe is dead. They will be under Islamic control within the next few decades, and nothing short of civil war will turn that around. Sadly, I don't see western European men having the balls to do that. The States MUST ELECT TRUMP in order to turn things around. Anyone else leads to ruin demographically (Rubio), economically (Sanders) or physically (Clinton, who is by far the worst option). Yes, Trump may very well turn on us. People like to say that Trump can't be bought, but that's nonsense. Money is money, and even if you're a billionaire you could always use a few more. I'd say it's a 50/50 chance that Trump turns on us or not. Even so, that's still the best odds we've had in years! Every other candidate who actually has a chance of winning the nomination (that includes Ted Cruz), is basically 99-100% guaranteed to stab us in the back once he or she gets into office.