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My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists

Quote: (11-21-2015 11:30 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

That's a great letter. Thanks. I never knew involuntary celibacy was their motivator.

The problem for France, as I understand, is that they have been granted French citizenship and therefore can't be deported.

In contrast, Italy has far tighter rules for naturalisation which, combined with its slow bureaucracy, make it extremely difficult for muslim immigrants to become citizens. The Police reject most applicants who have criminal records. It won't be difficult for the next right-wing government to deport the ones with criminal records because they are 100% foreign in the eyes of the law.

So I agree with you, but isn't it a bit late? What will Le Pen be able to do? Holding people in gaol is very expensive. How can it be solved?

Thanks. Reading this letter you can indeed realize that French people, policemen included, consider those bastardy terrorists as stupid and hateful muggers, low-lifes, and perverts (in French : racailles, sous-merdes de banlieue).. they are no soldiers.

I insist, those terrorists were incapable of killing a single armed Frenchman. Not one (just a police dog). They are lethal with unarmed and surprised civilians, but, when French police or army come in, they (the terrorists) just die in a few minutes, without killing anyone anymore.. They are the worse fighters we have ever seen!!

Now, what Le Pen would do, is, to begin with, immediately stop the influx of migrants. And send away, back to Africa or wherever, the illegals, by planes.. For that (if and when elected), she'll be recorded in our History books as our savior, nothing less!

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