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My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - Printable Version

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My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - Direct or subtle - 11-20-2015

A few days ago, a French guy (having just seen his wife shot dead) wrote an open letter to the Paris-Bataclan terrorists ( see

Main-stream media published his letter all over the world (he even featured in the homepage of the BBC and CNN).. not surprisingly, because this French guy is a government-employed journalist (so, himself one of the "elites"), and called for "no hate, but love" as an answer to the terrorists' massacre. He added that he would teach his young son to "never hate these terrorists", but instead, to show them his joy and happiness (one day after the loss of his murdered mother!).. [Image: dodgy.gif]

But anyway, well, I thought : being French myself, I'd like to write an open letter, too.. I won't have the "honors" of the BBC, but hopefully Roosh will publish my letter to the terrorists : so, below please read my open-letter :

To the terrorists from the recent attacks,

You try to pass yourself off as warriors, and religious men. But you are neither.

To begin with, people living abroad can believe your lies and bragging about "Islam and the Qur'an", but, we French don't.

Because we know you. You were born in France, most of you, and grew up in our cities and suburbs (that you like to describe as hell on earth, but lol, life's very easy in the French suburbs, it's no Somalia, plus everything was given to you during your childhood, for free and courtesy of us French taxpayers [Image: dodgy.gif] ).

So we know you, we went to the same schools and lived in the same cities. And we know that you know jackshit about Islam : you don't even speak Arabic! You are too lazy and stupid to read, you never read more than a couple of pages of the Quran, and it was while smoking your "joints" - your beloved marihuana, not understanding anything (you certainly are no scholars, you can barely read!).

So yes, we know what really motivates you : it's not Islam, it's anti-West racism. A racism principally born of your well-known sexual frustration. Because oh yeah, you can boast on ISIS video about how you fucked "blue-eyed" women in France before going to Syria [Image: tard.gif], but lol, we know it's a lie :
in France you always were very low in the pecking order, you couldn't score with our native women, couldn't score with Caribbean women either, and, which is more, couldn't score with your own virginity-obsessed and family-controlled "sisters"..

So, sure you can trick the world into thinking that you're religious, vigorous and "alpha" men, but we French, we have known you since you were kids, we know what you are : no education, no religious knowledge, no sex :
One of the main incentives for you to go to Syria, was (beside your anti-West racism), to be able to fuck under-age girls.. because yes, every recruitment video from ISIS features young girls made available to the "warriors"... and so you had to go all the way to Raqqa to get laid with enslaved Yazidi girls, you ugly, desperate rapists.

Now, about your "warrior" prowess [Image: tard.gif].. The only targets that you were able to hit in France, were unarmed civilians, caught by surprise... But as soon as the police swooped in, that was it, you all died, like rats, none of you could kill any policeman or soldier..

Example : In the Bataclan theater, a 60 years old police officer with his driver, killed two of you, without receiving any wound (they just had two pistols, and you had Kalashnikovs).. likewise, in Saint-Denis, you could just blow yourselves up, you were unable to wound a single policeman (only thing you killed was a police dog, you weak cowards).

By the way, in Syria also, you are known for being useless in the field, and that's why you were sent to Paris to shoot at defenseless civilians.. and once again, when the French police arrived, you were all swiftly killed, not being capable of fighting adult, armed men. So, not only are you uneducated paedos (posing as religious fighters, yeah sure), but also, you are cowards incapable of fighting against people who have guns.

To sum it up: only "thing" you can fuck are enslaved Yazidi little girls, and only "thing" you can kill, are unarmed passers-by caught by surprise.

And if you think that next time you attack us, you'll find this type of "nice" people in front of you:

[Image: 2E89972600000578-3322348-image-m-22_1447778954525.jpg]

think twice, because you'll find this other kind of people, to bust your useless ass:

[Image: aBEF4jn.jpg?1]

And, contrary to this French guy that all MSM love, the one who tells you : "you won't have my hate", I, in the name of 99% of the French, am telling you : "You have my hate, had it yesterday already, and will have it tomorrow even more".

We will defeat you, cause you are stupid, uneducated, coward, inefficient, frustrated and incapable of fighting armed adversaries. Your days are numbered. With Putin in Russia, and soon Trump in the US, and Le Pen in charge of France : you'll have nowhere to run, these 3 leaders will hunt you down without mercy!

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - eradicator - 11-20-2015

dupe. We are already making fun of this dude in another thread, though there is some speculation that he is just doing this to land another woman, the girls read this and want to fuck him. So if he is doing this to bang hot women, and it works, then good game. But if he is just being a weird frog, then screw him and his faggotry

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - Direct or subtle - 11-20-2015

Quote: (11-20-2015 05:32 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

dupe. We are already making fun of this dude in another thread, though there is some speculation that he is just doing this to land another woman, the girls read this and want to fuck him. So if he is doing this to bang hot women, and it works, then good game. But if he is just being a weird frog, then screw him and his faggotry

I know, I was the one first posting about this dude on the forum :


but this thread is not about him anymore.. it's about another kind of reply to the terrorists, from another kind of Frenchman.

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - DaveR - 11-21-2015

That's a great letter. Thanks. I never knew involuntary celibacy was their motivator.

The problem for France, as I understand, is that they have been granted French citizenship and therefore can't be deported.

In contrast, Italy has far tighter rules for naturalisation which, combined with its slow bureaucracy, make it extremely difficult for muslim immigrants to become citizens. The Police reject most applicants who have criminal records. It won't be difficult for the next right-wing government to deport the ones with criminal records because they are 100% foreign in the eyes of the law.

So I agree with you, but isn't it a bit late? What will Le Pen be able to do? Holding people in gaol is very expensive. How can it be solved?

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - RexImperator - 11-21-2015

Île du diable.

My open letter to Paris' Bataclan Terrorists - Direct or subtle - 11-21-2015

Quote: (11-21-2015 11:30 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

That's a great letter. Thanks. I never knew involuntary celibacy was their motivator.

The problem for France, as I understand, is that they have been granted French citizenship and therefore can't be deported.

In contrast, Italy has far tighter rules for naturalisation which, combined with its slow bureaucracy, make it extremely difficult for muslim immigrants to become citizens. The Police reject most applicants who have criminal records. It won't be difficult for the next right-wing government to deport the ones with criminal records because they are 100% foreign in the eyes of the law.

So I agree with you, but isn't it a bit late? What will Le Pen be able to do? Holding people in gaol is very expensive. How can it be solved?

Thanks. Reading this letter you can indeed realize that French people, policemen included, consider those bastardy terrorists as stupid and hateful muggers, low-lifes, and perverts (in French : racailles, sous-merdes de banlieue).. they are no soldiers.

I insist, those terrorists were incapable of killing a single armed Frenchman. Not one (just a police dog). They are lethal with unarmed and surprised civilians, but, when French police or army come in, they (the terrorists) just die in a few minutes, without killing anyone anymore.. They are the worse fighters we have ever seen!!

Now, what Le Pen would do, is, to begin with, immediately stop the influx of migrants. And send away, back to Africa or wherever, the illegals, by planes.. For that (if and when elected), she'll be recorded in our History books as our savior, nothing less!