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What's the deal with Aussies in Asia...?

What's the deal with Aussies in Asia...?

Quote: (11-18-2015 07:26 PM)CodyB Wrote:  

Ah, but an American would understand how Aussies travel because culturally we are far closer to the US and Canada then we are to Other anglophone countries.

Young Australian male travellers fall strictly into two categories.

The bogan package tourist: goes to Kuta, Phuket, Las Vegas etc. starts drinking at 10 pursues drugs, gets so fucked ends up either passing out, fucking a fat bitch or a hooker

The backpacker; travels solo or with his girlfriend. Absolute beta, listens to triple J and thinks he is the shit because he believes in feminism. Hipsters or Uni students usually.

I think Americans follow very similar lines.

What a miraculously pathetic post! CodyB, I hate bogans as much you may, but don't make Aussies look silly by posting bullshit!! You're probably American or a POM anyway...

I have travelled extensively throughout the world in the last 8 years as a twenty-something Australian male (born in the bush, I might add).

I have never been drunk during the day, at all, whilst abroad. I don't like drinking unnecessarily because I have the most fun with women when I am sober and have my faculties at my disposal in full force, as well as seeing no reason why I would want to pay exorbitant prices for alcohol in a retail setting when I know I'm going to have a few drinks that night.

I never touch drugs.

I have never been to Phuket.

I aim for and sometimes get two 9s a week when I am abroad (a fact which has stirred significant jealousy on this site in the past making it perfectly obvious to me that this forum is full of guys who talk to hundreds of women in order to bang a few 7s and/or brag about having sex in places where the only reason you get attention is because the girls there are not good to look at, fulltime or part-time prostitutes and comparatively very, very poor e.g. Phillipines, Laos and Thailand).

I've never banged a hooker.

I've never banged a fat bitch.

I like to dress "up" during the day because I like to open good looking chicks going about their casual day, especially in the USA (home of the over-talking, annoyingly brash and obviously insecure, sounds-bisexual-with-his-twangy-American-accent white knight) where it is easy to bag 9s because while the blokes over there can't shut up, you can come across as the easy-go-lucky tourist who is confident enough to escalate and close pretty quickly.

So, please tell me, which strict (your words) category do I fall in?

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