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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 02:33 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 02:24 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:56 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2015 11:42 AM)mikeymike Wrote:  

I hope while you guys are out forming and joining your militias you'll remember that every brown guy isn't a muslim and Sikhs have had a hate on for Muslims before the anti muslim bandwagon started piling up...sadly we're seen as one and the same by most dumb fucks. My service announcement for the day.

Instead of making thinly veiled accusations of racism, why don't you go and form groups and militias with your fellow brown guys so you can actually do something useful and earn the respect of the non-brown world?

That works a lot better than crying and insults.

lmao what a load of nonsense. Sikhs over represent in the military and police by population, we've been fighting Muslims since our religion was founded, we have always been doing something. Speak to the majority of Sikhs and they were against Muslims entering others borders long before others were and when there is a real fight to be fought you can count on Sikhs to be a part of it and ask anybody who grew up around Sikhs and they will tell you that, we wont be on the internet talkin big . Meanwhile we've had temples attacked, individuals assaulted for sharing the same color so it's not crying scooter, it's fact. We're on the same side of this fight but only a small percentage know it.

Well then, it seems like the problem is of identification.

You need something that shows you aren't Muslim. Like an anti-Koran symbol or something. A picture of Mohammed's face with a big X through it or something. I'm not an artist but you get my idea. Identification.

lol true, I should start selling tshirts, not a muslim im Sikh tshirts, business venture/ identification

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