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Requesting suburban daygame advice.

Requesting suburban daygame advice.

I must not be a very good looking guy because I live in the suburbs of NY and I only get about 1 to 2 likes and 8 views a week on OkC and the women are all pretty gross. I've gone out with four women in the 5/6 range in the past year, and out of those three of them initiated. Most of the women who send me likes are 3s and 4s. I was really depressed about it at first and it was an insane sap to my confidence. It's better now, but I'm 31 and I still send out custom tailored messages to 30 yo 5s that I have a ton in common with and the vast majority of them ignore me.

Are you sending messages to women in general or mainly to women who view or like you? Because while I've certainly had dates with attractive women on that site, everyone was a mess in some way and I've never gotten anywhere close to sex. Meanwhile, I joined Match in frustration with a nearly identical profile and was chatting up 4 women at the same time, half of whom initiated with me first, all 6s and 7s. But that's starting to dry up and I have to initiate now as I've gotten 900 views in the past 3 months. I think it really does have to do with the season as well, but online dating just sucks in general, with OkC being at the bottom.

Sorry that this was somewhat off topic. I think you're just going to have to pick a different place. Try the coffee shop at the bookstore instead, but you might just be out of the age range. Like I said, I'm 31 and I agree with you. I can't picture hitting on a girl in the coffee shop. They're too young for me and I can't relate to them. You might just have to go to the mall or flirt with random women in your daily life, like at the grocery store. I dropped bait and ran GALNUC on the girl who worked at the car rental agency and she was a solid 8, mid 20s, tight blonde with huge natural breasts, but every day surrounded by boring and unattractive coworkers and she went to a tech school so she knew the value I brought with my career. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten her number but I lacked inner game and pussied out at the last minute. It's just random occurrences. You see any woman in your age range that you're attracted to, and make it your policy to approach her. Like I've gone on online dates with women I thought I'd have nothing in common with and it turned out we were the best match I've ever had in my life. It can and does happen. And if you talk to anyone and everyone that you think is "interesting" then it won't feel as awkward only talking to the attractive women you find "interesting."

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