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Occupy Wall Street thread

Occupy Wall Street thread

Quote: (10-13-2011 02:45 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2011 01:37 PM)Thorfinnsson Wrote:  

I think that's a reasonable view. The Tea Party is angry, and so are the OWS people. People should be angry given what has happened and is happening to our country.

The Tea Party has zero credibility to me. Where the fuck were they during the 8 years of Bush when a budget surplus got turned into a deficit? Why weren't they out in the street demonstrating about how Bush added to the debt by launching two wars that were totally unpaid for? They completely shut up and slept on it. Fuck the Tea Party and their hypocrisy. If we had a Republican in office and the debt was the same, they wouldn't be out there protesting it.

Most of these lower/middle class clowns at the Tea Party rallies with the "don't tax me" signs wouldn't even see a tax increase under Obama. They are essentially doing the footwork for wealthy people way too busy making money to even care about protesting a tax hike.

I don't think the general US populace was anywhere near as keen on government shadiness back during the first Bush term as it is now. You can't forget how wonky the political psychology was in the wake of 9/11 and that the economic fuckery by Wall Street was a project years in the making that surprised everybody.

Thankfully, I think that naivety has slowly begun to dissipate from several sectors of the community thanks to the internet.

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