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Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Firstly, making judgements based on 1 bad night will not help you. Gaming is not for the light-hearted, it is a war with battles that are won and lost daily, but with hard work and a consistent, get-up-next-day attitude, you can make measurable gains.

I have found nothing in your emotional diatribe that tells me that you have explored:
a. actionable self-improvement with respect to game (RVF forum memorization DOES NOT COUNT)
b. explored all avenues to getting laid

Tucon, Phoenix, Scottsdale should be teeming with out-of-state sluts from california, nevada, colder climates. A quick google search shows me the list of universities in Tuscon. Another google search shows me the distance to one of the skankiest party locations in the US. A 3rd google search shows me the distance to the one of the premier party schools in america that attracts all the hot blonde sluts from OC. It is practically a resort and is a mere 1.5 hours away. Hell, even was created in Arizona.

Look, you may think you are cool and awesome. But chicks will not magically discover that. If you are serious about getting laid please do the following:
  • Stop whining. The up's and down's in the journey to getting the women you want are severe. Have patience and put in the effort. Members on this forum travel to different continents to search for the women they desire. How strong is your will?
  • Get serious about meeting women
  • Consume the Approach thread and pay attention to Giovanny's posts
  • See how an awesome and dedicated plan works out over time by reading Travesty's approach diary. I've personally read it end to end multiple times.
  • Read another approach diary that is unfolding that shows you how experience improves game over time with hard work: Ligate Approach diary
  • Since you are very cool and blonde and good looking you should absolutely be paying attention to a legendary thread in development - Linux's Columbia thread
  • If you are serious about game, you need to explore all avenues for bone including online. I'll leave it as an incredibly easy exercise to locate the okc and tinder threads, the photo thread by B7, the text messaging thread and finally the Tut first bang thread and the zero bang thread by B7
Finally…examine your life. Look at the chunks of time you can use to employ some of the strategies the threads above prescribe. Every moment will give you a chance to meet a women. You will fucking forget ratios and start becoming overwhelmed by opportunities. The main question in your life will become not where to find women but are you ready or do you even know what to do when they present themselves to you.

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