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Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Am I turning into a beta or just getting old? Desiring smart women.

Quote: (04-23-2015 11:23 PM)XPQ21 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2015 07:47 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2015 12:13 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:  

I'm in my early 30s, and my "type" is the "nerdy" glasses/librarian/goth girl sort of gal who has some brains. If she is not severely overweight I'll will happily take a 5 or 6 in looks of this type over any supposedly "better looking" conventionally attractive woman in my age range.

The blonde bimbo yoga pants wearing club girl type does absolutely nothing for me and I don't even look twice at them.

This preference really makes my life easier.

How do you know they cannot make your dick hard? Have you ever touched a hot blonde bimbo in yoga pants before? Are you saying this because they are out of reach for you?

You are no different than the ass man, that chases literally fat women because they have a 40+ inch ass. Attempting to validate your own hamster by rejecting healthier women as incapable of satisfying you. How would you know that? I used to think skinny women could do nothing for me until I tried them. Now I hate myself for falling into the feminist trap that confuses men into thinking dysfunction is attractive.

Wanna truly help your own self esteem? Walk around with a legit hot bitch at the mall for a day, that is at least 5-10 years younger, and see how that makes you feel as a man. That fat goth bitch will never duplicate that feeling.

Step your game up. Never too late to switch gears and you are in the right place at the right time to learn how to ween yourself off dysfunction.

I do agree with the poster above with the lovely handle "RoastBeefCurtains4Me". Talking smart to a smart chick probably won't make her pussy wet - it has been my experience they respond to the same things all other women respond to. But as an older guy who is looking towards the possibility at some point of some kind of semi-LTR, it's nice to be able to be with someone who at least has a clue about something and can engage in a conversation that isn't completely tedious.

I believe I understand where you're coming from. But I never said that the club girl couldn't make my dick hard - I have slept with that type in the past and they certainly did. But they do nothing for me now because I know it is a dead end; no relationship has ever lasted more than a few dates with that type because either they sense I am operating on another level than they are and don't want to continue, or I cut it off because I am bored to tears being around them during any non-sex time. They talk about their mundane lives and their horoscope or their weird religious beliefs and are so clueless about anything I just want to hang myself. One girl I went out with didn't even know what the Vietnam War was. I mean FFS!

I don't think I'd mind at all being with a "legit hot bitch" 5-10 years younger than I who is also well educated, has decent command of the English language, and is world-aware and at least has some kind of interesting or witty things to say. I also appreciate women that are actually able to be funny in that they are able to construct their own jokes/non-sequiturs/puns, or do something other than just be sarcastic/parrot other people's humor (a rare quality.)

I'm not sure that this really exists in the United States, maybe in Europe or South America or somewhere.

Also, who goes to malls anymore?

You are struggling with the red pill much more than with game. You went from projecting masculine logic into the behavior of women only to turn around and acknowledge their true nature in the same post. The red pill is stuck in your throat right now. You need a glass of milk before you gag and throw up.

You might be an early mid-life crisis case in alot of ways. That is okay though. That is normal and natural. You feel unfulfilled seeking validation and appreciation. Men naturally seek a female partner that can appreciate their efforts, work, ambitions, values, goals, and dedication. A proper woman encourages her man and supports him physically and emotionally. NOTICE I did not say intellectually! That is for your peers. Me, Jariel, WestIndianArchie, Days of Broken Arrows, Roosh, etc. You should be conducting forum with like minded males like your fathers before you did. They did not cross that line, why should you do that? Women tended to the things that were important to them, and men did likewise. What makes you so much better than your forefathers that you do not have to respect that?

You seem to have one foot in the wife circle and the other outside, because you are discouraged about the lack of suitable women around you. I feel you on that. I left the US and dated in China and eventually married my wife there and brought her back to the US with me. My life is bad fucking ass. My wife treats me like a king, keeps our home in order, and is happy to do so. Of course it takes getting used to being with an un-masculine woman, and you can falsely attribute a lack of ambition to her, but that is not true at all. Her ambition is me first, then our family and our well being. That is all that matters to her. A traditional purpose. Something real and legitimate. Not some social experiment that has gone terribly wrong.

You do not truly find those dysfunctional women attractive. Trust me. When you truly find that woman, you will raw dog her, and bust nuts trying to lock her down. How do I know that? Been there done that. All men feel that urge to propagate their lineage with the highest quality female they can find, but will pull back when not certain of the value of the vessels before them.

Since you have enough foresight to see something lacking in all options around you, you are almost there buddy. You could have taken the easy road many others did and lock down a fat and snarky (notice I did not say intelligent) woman and be miserable as time shows you with each passing year, what a terrible mistake you made. Then like every other scrub, you will be living vicariously through your children made from a DNA damaged she beast. You will be hoping they will be better than you and her, but they have 1 decent role model (You) and a shitty one letting her self go in front of them and being selfish everyday. Good luck trying to keep a kid from being fat if the mother is.

Go East young man. Fuck your baldness or whatever the fuck your insecurities are. Put on muscle and cut all the hair off or super low. You will be holding auditions for Mrs. XPQ21 in no time. A real fisherman always packs up and moves to the other side of the lake.

What's wrong with malls? I admit I hated going to them while single unless it was to hunt for hoes, but I don't mind it as much these days. More fun to go with wife and kid for sure. She tries on sexy clothing for me, I buy a gadget or two, get some new shoes or dress shirts, walk around, then go home and relax.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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