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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money?

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money?

Quote: (04-19-2015 02:34 PM)realologist Wrote:  

*Have the experts in energy create a self-sustaining energy source for use only on my island

*Have the space experts create my own version of NASA and start exploring the solar system, galaxy and universe. Eventually I would go to space with them

I see that quite a few here have very elaborate schemes on how to commit suicide.

Other good suicidal ideas:

+ Finance whistle blowers worldwide to come forward and publish their truths
+ create a political party with billions in financing and push for interest-free money creation and against usury
+ Finance and invite all scientists working on powerful alternative energy, propulsion technology, new powerful batteries, alternative medicine that is hard to patent - put billions into it

Creating your own country and arming it is also instantly a death penalty. (You may arm your private island like a Bond villain as much as you wish. Against truly modern weapons system that disrupt electronics, brainwaves etc. that are currently hardly used - all those things are useless anyway. )

All of those steps are fantastic designs to get yourself killed - even have your family and pets meet the grim reaper too in one more famous murder-suicide scheme.

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