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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Printable Version

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What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - speakeasy - 04-18-2015

Let's say you had a bank account that you could withdraw limitless money from for the rest of your life. You no longer had to work unless you wanted. Buying anything you wanted was no objection. You could live where you want, be able to fund any business or organization of your choosing if you desire. Only rule is you can only spend the money on you and your closest people, so you can't just hand out limitless money to poor people to solve poverty.

What's the first thing you would do tomorrow with your unlimited resources and what would you do with the rest of your life if you could do anything without financial failure being any concern?

I know I'd spend at least my first few years taking wild adventures around the world. Safaris, motorcycling the Pan American highway, going to the Great Barrier Reef, ride into space on Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic and that type of stuff.

Beyond that though I'm not sure what my long-term plan would be. I think ultimately we all yearn for something significant. Or a crowning accomplishment that will be remembered after we're gone. Work can give people the ability to accomplish something and the reward is money and a sense of contribution. But when money is no longer needed, you have to dig a bit deeper to find your calling and purpose.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - philosophical_recovery - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 03:51 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Let's say you had a bank account that you could withdraw limitless money from for the rest of your life. You no longer had to work unless you wanted. Buying anything you wanted was no objection. You could live where you want, be able to fund any business or organization of your choosing if you desire. Only rule is you can only spend the money on you and your closest people, so you can't just hand out limitless money to poor people to solve poverty.

What's the first thing you would do tomorrow with your unlimited resources and what would you do with the rest of your life if you could do anything without financial failure being any concern?

I know I'd spend at least my first few years taking wild adventures around the world. Safaris, motorcycling the Pan American highway, going to the Great Barrier Reef, ride into space on Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic and that type of stuff.

Beyond that though I'm not sure what my long-term plan would be. I think ultimately we all yearn for something significant. Or a crowning accomplishment that will be remembered after we're gone. Work can give people the ability to accomplish something and the reward is money and a sense of contribution. But when money is no longer needed, you have to dig a bit deeper to find your calling and purpose.

I'd immediately launch several businesses based on acquiring and breeding talent in the following industries:

High Grade material foundry and manufacturing plant
Mining companies
Engineering software development
Engineering R&D
A technical college that accepted applicants of any age and teaches everything from Eulid to Musk

I'd then work on making space colonies powered by everything I could get my hands on, including nuclear. This would likely mean buying a large island and hiring enough defensive force to be left alone by the major powers. I'd heavily promote hot, young women to immigrate to keep my staff of well-rounded engineers so well lubricated and bored of high quality pussy that they'd keep making fantastic space technology. Then, I'd encourage them to pair up and populate the solar system.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - IvanDrago - 04-18-2015

I would IRL troll people. The first thing I would do is buy one house on every suburbite hell block in my town (preferably next to politicians houses) Then, I would paint them all hot pink and rent them to Ethiopian, Mexican or Arabic families for $50 a month. The only rule is there would have to be 2 families per house and no one would be allowed to speak English. Seriously, this is what I would do.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Biz - 04-18-2015

I'd move to Dubai and poop on girls

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - frenchcorporation - 04-18-2015

Would start my own tech business, going to do this eventually anyway
Then after a certain point I'd scale down my involvement and travel

Quote: (04-18-2015 04:06 PM)Biz Wrote:  

I'd move to Dubai and poop on girls

I'm surprised this wasn't the first response

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Kabal - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 04:03 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

I would IRL troll people. The first thing I would do is buy one house on every suburbite hell block in my town (preferably next to politicians houses) Then, I would paint them all hot pink and rent them to Ethiopian, Mexican or Arabic families for $50 a month. The only rule is there would have to be 2 families per house and no one would be allowed to speak English. Seriously, this is what I would do.

This sounds like some hellish combination of Section 8 and The Big Orange Splot.

[Image: big-orange-splot-3.jpg]

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - IvanDrago - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 04:09 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

[Image: big-orange-splot-3.jpg]

MY DREAM! You're bringing a tear to my eye. It needs more esses and lowriders though.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - italktostrangers - 04-18-2015


What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - komatiite - 04-18-2015

After getting my thrills id pump money towards scholarships and natural resource exploitation schools. Hand pick the profs at a good petroleum/mining school and fill it with kids I personally vet, paying their tuition. If you are good at science and have a passion for helping the worlds needs id pay for you. I'd do the Same for trade schools. If you are going to use your money to benefit society id promote useful degrees and skills. Not give blindly to schools that will use the money to fund art degree bullshit.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Aliblahba - 04-18-2015

I'd spend it all funding whoever is running against Hillary.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - WestIndianArchie - 04-18-2015

Blanket the Sahara with Solar Cells.
Run the cables to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Make the desert bloom.

Fund some genetic engineering company to make super bamboo. Very efficient in pulling CO2 from the air.

Hectacres of bamboo that would then be cut down and put into pyrolysis (burned w/o oxygen). The leftover ash sequesters carbon and can be used to make biochar/terra preta. Recreate the Amazon rainforest essentially.

Hire a university full of zoologists and buy a bunch of land in Texas or some place in middle America. Pull a Ted Turner and buy 3.7 million acres, about the size of the Serengeti - and drop in some foreign megafauna. In particular elephants and rhinos.

Alaskan/Siberian/Chinese mag lev train.

If you've ever read the Diamond Age by Stephenson, I'd combine the "Primer" with Bruce Sterling's "library of congress on a laptop"'

I could go on and on.

Basically Elon Musk territory.


What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Porfirio Rubirosa - 04-18-2015

As anyone who has been mildly successful while on a Mediterranean holiday will tell you banging girls eventually grows tiresome and quite mundane; it's fun for a while but then it grows boring and insignificant as one further accumulates notches. In definite, having sex with attractive girls is certainly entertaining but one cannot base an entire life around it for it will quickly become quite tedious.

These are the paths I would take if this were even remotely possible.

Hetman of Ukraine:

I would approach the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with an offer to name me King, Hetman and Lord Protector of the Ukrainians in exchange for vast sums of money to fund the Ukrainian Armed Forces but also to resurrect the decadent economy. I could even take Crimea back and march triumphantly through the streets of Sevastopol with the people chanting and signing odes in my honour. It would utterly magnificent.

After all territorial conflicts are settled I would work on improving the appearance of Ukrainian cities; Ukraine would become the centre of New Classical architecture modelled after the great architectural styles of the past centuries. Intellectuals would flood the cafés, galleries, museums and debating halls of Kiev, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv et cetera.

All certified ''playboys'' with sufficient class and culture would be granted citizenship while Ukraine would become the envy of the world with its beautiful women, cultured men and bustling economy complete with marvellous architecture and coffee-houses reminiscent of those found in the Austrian capital, Vienna.

Caudillo of the Dominican Republic:

If for some reason I grow bored of Ukraine or desire to scrap my plans to dominate the country entirely I would turn to my own country, the Dominican Republic. Despite my unimaginable wealth I wouldn't gain power through a coup d'état. Instead, I would publicise a massive scandal (not very difficult in such a corrupt country) and emerge as the defender of the people; the righteous intellectual amidst so much personal corruption and moral decadence in the national political scene. Basically, I would be appointed Vice President in the government's last attempt to gain back some public support but the President would be forced to resign a few days later upon which I would assume the presidency of the Republic.

Of course, my government would employ authoritarianism as sweeping reforms were enacted; otherwise the efficacy of my policies would be endangered by the recklessness of the masses. In the end, I would be crowned First Consul, Protector and Caudillo of the Republic After the enactment of the reforms the Dominican Republic would follow the same path as my hypothetical Ukraine.


Perhaps statesmanship is not what I should dedicate my person and fortune to. Instead, I would become a diplomat representing the country of my choice (national origin would be no barrier to this level of money). I could buy a Scottish feudal barony or marry into the former royal houses of Europe (that is, the ones that have been dethroned such as the Habsburgs of Austria-Hungary or the Braganzas of Portugal) to gain prestige and official titles to stroke my unquenchable and appetite for adulation! After that, travelling the world, reading for entire days at my palatial residences around the globe and banging loads of attractive women (thereby cheating on the pretentious socialite I've taken as a wife).

How marvellous and magnificent life would be if only this were true...

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - GoldHawkStar - 04-18-2015

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Oz. - 04-18-2015

I would put the Mars One project under my name and be the one to colonize the planet by building myself a giant mansion on the surface and making NASA send 18-20 year old girls whenever I requested to have my children.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - dog24 - 04-18-2015

Without motivation to work besides the joy you get out of it, every little hobby/personal project will rapidly turn into an obsession and will be hard to keep things in perspective.

Or you will fall into a hedonistic lifestyle which will turn you into an alcoholic/drug addict or some kind of sexual deviant.

All of these posts about leaving something behind sound good on paper but when was the last time you met someone with a lot of money (in person not just reading what his PR crew wants you to read) that was truly interested in helping others?

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - speakeasy - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 05:03 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

I would put the Mars One project under my name and be the one to colonize the planet by building myself a giant mansion on the surface and making NASA send 18-20 year old girls whenever I requested to have my children.


[Image: house-on-mars.jpg]

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Aliblahba - 04-18-2015

I'd buy every NFL team and do the helicopter on the 50 yard line before every game.

I'd buy Apple and shut them down.

I'd clone myself so I'd have a never ending supply of livers.

I'd start homes for wayward strippers.

I'd fuck till my dick fell off and get another from my clones.

I'd impregnate every hot chick on TV and start Gen Ali-Z.

I'd hire a massive army of mercenaries to chase fat people around with cattle prods until they were skinny.

I'd buy the VA and put the Duke School of Medicine in charge.

I'd donate 100B to The Wounded Warrior Project.

I'd buy Texas and make it an independant nation.

I'd make NASCAR driving a requirement for high schoolers.

I'd make the age of consent for men 50 (except for me).

I'd donate 3 trillion for breast implants.

I'd annex Canada except for Qubec and start a war.

I'd start a massive college for liberal arts and gender studies in France free. And when Americans signed up revoke their passports.

I'd bring back Rick James, Ronald Reagan, Marilyn Monroe.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Fortis - 04-18-2015

I'd make everything free for everyone on rvf. and I'd start an rvf academy that all new posters must go through before they're allowed to post.

I'd finance rooshland too

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Oz. - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 05:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2015 05:03 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

I would put the Mars One project under my name and be the one to colonize the planet by building myself a giant mansion on the surface and making NASA send 18-20 year old girls whenever I requested to have my children.


[Image: house-on-mars.jpg]

[Image: highfive.gif]

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Foolsgo1d - 04-18-2015

I would buy Apple and turn them into Android phones.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 04-18-2015

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Suits - 04-18-2015

Quote: (04-18-2015 04:22 PM)italktostrangers Wrote:  

#1. Would be travel, as OP mentioned. I'd work through my list of places I've always wanted to go (Japan, Portugal, Ukraine, Italy, Hong Kong, Germany, South America, probably in that order). Then settle down a bit in my favourite country so far (Spain)...probably buy some property in Barcelona in particular.

#2. I'd hit all the film festivals I've always dreamed of going to, and also find scripts to produce and direct, without the burden of finding investors and distributors who have to approve "marketability". I've also always wanted to own my own line of movie theatres that only show what I would consider to be good movies. No Transformers, nothing by Happy Madison, none of that shit!

Basically, "Take a position of Fuck You" within the film industry (though I don't consider "The Gambler" (Remake) to be a good movie, this scene is awesome) -

That scene makes me sad that the film reportedly sucks.

It's probably one of the best film clips I've seen in a good many months, if not years. The amount of brilliance is overwhelming.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Dr. Howard - 04-18-2015

I can only spend it on myself and my family?
1. Buy up the Garden Mountain Valley near Tazwell Virginia. The Biltmores tried to do it in the 1800s to build their personal estate but couldn't get everyone to sell. You can see it from the air if you are flying over the appalachians and it is a natural fortress.
2. Fortify it while starting farms inside it
3. Fortify it some more
4. A small private army to guard it
5. Build a private library and museum to hoard things that are on the verge of being 'banned'
6. Start a human breeding program inside my compound that tries to naturally maximize genetic pairings and then sell those children to pro sports teams, super soldier programs, and research universities. Include Manchurian candidate like programming as well. Male genes would be collected from outside the compound while female mothers would live in the valley while enrolled in the program.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - Ronald Reagan - 04-18-2015

I would give every individual in my family a billion. This includes my parents and siblings, cousins and their parents, and my grandparents. After that my close friends and their families (siblings and parents) would get a billion for each member also. All the people listed I consider close to me because I have a tight knit family. As for my friends, these are people who I have known since I was 4 and I grew up interacting with their parents and siblings, these people fed me and I have slept in their houses numerous time so I consider them to be family even though it is not by blood. Once they acquire the money from me they can use it to OD on cocaine for all I care. Although some of these people are living comfortably I know that they are working, which is taking their most valuable resource TIME!
I would like to create a scholarship similar to Komatiite's.

There is a lot more I would do but OP's restrictions make it difficult.
As for myself, I would have a nomadic lifestyle. I would also like to do real life battleship with drones and compete against other people. I'm talking about full size warships, submarines, and carriers equipped with standard military armament except nukes requiring no humans on board so that essentially I have a real life video game.

What would you do if you had an endless supply of money? - rudebwoy - 04-18-2015

Obviously sort out my real friends and folks.
Hire a personal trainer and a cook to make me healthier meals
Head to Europe for the summer.
Learn a language - move to either Barcelona (Spanish) or Paris (French) and establish a base there.
Attend Cannes film festival and Monaco Grand Prix
Running with the Bulls in Pampolona Spain
Get a new wardrobe in London
Attend Lake Balaton Music Festival in Hungary or Exit Festival in Serbia
Party in Ibiza and Greek Islands
Rent a exotic car and drive Nurburgring or Monza

The list is too damn long...