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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

According to Yahoo news anyway. The article was filled with propaganda such as she's a women of the common man. The article highlights how the common man is millenials, womens and homosexuals of course. I don't vote because I don't believe in it, but when election time comes around I will vote for her opposition. The last thing the sjw need is a political figure head.

The Hillary Clinton thread

This forum gives her way too much credit. In 2008 she was dumped faster than Taco Bell when people realized Obama was a viable candidate, why does everyone think round will be any different? She's too smug, unattractive and old.

The Hillary Clinton thread

The fact that she is a woman is enough to secure the millennial vote. The only kind of politics that works this decade is identity politics.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Its pretty clear the demographics targeted by this ad. We'll see if her people have crunched the numbers correctly or are making a big mistake.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:12 PM)Collide Wrote:  

The fact that she is a woman is enough to secure the millennial vote. The only kind of politics that works this decade is identity politics.

This right here is why democracy fails. It makes me cringe listening to these automatons regurgitate completely inane talking points.

What's funny is the kid claiming "we can set a standard for the rest of the world."

Fucking idiot, there have already been scores of female leaders in the world.

It reminds me of this chick I used to work with. Back when Obama got elected first time around, her exact words were, "I'm so relieved he got elected. He's just so cool."

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:22 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:12 PM)Collide Wrote:  

The fact that she is a woman is enough to secure the millennial vote. The only kind of politics that works this decade is identity politics.

This right here is why democracy fails. It makes me cringe listening to these automatons regurgitate completely inane talking points.

What's funny is the kid claiming "we can set a standard for the rest of the world."

Fucking idiot, there have already been scores of female leaders in the world.

It reminds me of this chick I used to work with. Back when Obama got elected first time around, her exact words were, "I'm so relieved he got elected. He's just so cool."

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

The Hillary Clinton thread

A 2 minute video of non-answer answers.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Invest in kitty litter and vaginal lubricant stocks.
[Image: aae498ea6cd093f6bd35f37d1a2aad057dfb9e60...93d3cd.jpg]

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:22 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:12 PM)Collide Wrote:  

The fact that she is a woman is enough to secure the millennial vote. The only kind of politics that works this decade is identity politics.

This right here is why democracy fails. It makes me cringe listening to these automatons regurgitate completely inane talking points.

What's funny is the kid claiming "we can set a standard for the rest of the world."

Fucking idiot, there have already been scores of female leaders in the world.

It reminds me of this chick I used to work with. Back when Obama got elected first time around, her exact words were, "I'm so relieved he got elected. He's just so cool."

See, it's cringe inducing to watch this on video, but I've actually experienced this in person.

This is why the founding fathers were afraid of and wanted to limit democracy.

As long as we continue to pretend that everyone is qualified to command the use of force (which is what a vote is), it will be very hard to change things for the better, if not impossible.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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The Hillary Clinton thread


The fags up-talking. ggrrr

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Her official campaign song has already been released. See below. Pass me a gin and tonic and light me a cigar. I will continue to watch my beloved homeland collapse from a safe distance.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

The Hillary Clinton thread

She's nowhere close to the nomination yet, even "nice guys" like Obama will drag her through the mud during the primaries.

Unless the Democrats have some hidden alternatives up their sleeves, they're going to be running damaged goods against a well-vetted Republican.

[Image: tumblr_n5wk9dTBvy1r96x1xo1_400.png]

The Hillary Clinton thread

I am looking forward to seeing the meme warfare of this presidential election.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

The Hillary Clinton thread

Here's one of many reasons not to vote for Hillary:

She's a fucking grandma!

Just what we need to fight ISIS, a wrinkly old granny...

I also hate these 'Ready for Hillary' supporters. Oh yeah, because she's going to be SO much better than Obama and other previous presidents.

The Hillary Clinton thread

This may be the most entertaining U.S. election in years because all the choices look so disturbingly awful. Each one is shittier than the next. The only potential candidate that is more outside the establishment is Rand. Even then he probably has a snowball's chance in hell of getting mainstream backers to go in.

Personally, Hillary getting elected would make for great comedy for years to come. This type of comedy is not so good for the American citizenry or nation though.

Not so bad if you live abroad on the other hand.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: attachment.jpg25882]   

The Hillary Clinton thread

It seems highly unlikely that Hillary Clinton will ever be POTUS. She is a terrible campaigner and extremely unlikeable. She will either lose the nomination to a more charismatic democrat (as happened in '08,) or if the democrats are dumb enough to give her the nomination, she will be crushed by whomever the republicans nominate.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I have a whole archive of Hillary GIFs I've been saving up and will be releasing strategically.

[Image: hillary-clinton-secretary-of-state.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

She's corrupt to the core and the mainstream media are too given how they treat her with kid gloves and coddle her, despite all her scandals including Whitewater, Travelgate, the foreign contribution scandal, the current email debacle, the Vince Foster suicide, etc. etc. etc.

I guess that's why these Millennials in the video support her? [Image: lol.gif] Reminds me of when Howard Stern's crew interviewed the African-American Obama supporters and asked them about his positions and did they support them - to which they said yes wholeheartedly - even though they were actually McCain's positions.

But let's get real her main support group are women in the Baby Boomer and more recent generations - they will be the ones who would push her over the top.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 06:25 PM)Robert Guiscard Wrote:  

It seems highly unlikely that Hillary Clinton will ever be POTUS. She is a terrible campaigner and extremely unlikeable. She will either lose the nomination to a more charismatic democrat (as happened in '08,) or if the democrats are dumb enough to give her the nomination, she will be crushed by whomever the republicans nominate.

Sadly, I don't think so regarding the second half of your statement. The demographics are just too stacked against the GOP unless the Republicans really get competitive in some of those solidly blue states, they're over 100 electoral votes behind from the start.

I don't think it happens this election cycle unless the Republican party radically changes. Rand Paul might ordinarily have a shot (not a huge one), but the Republican primary process would hamstring these efforts.

There does seem to be a significant amount of pushback in the comments on the video though, so that's a good sign. As ever, we need to dominate as much space as we can.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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The Hillary Clinton thread

Good god almighty just look at this list of potential 2016 candidates.

This is the political version of dumpster diving.

Hillary Clinton - Not going to beat a dead horse here. Might as well elect one of those store mannequins.

Lindsey Graham - Ultra hawk and Israel super advocate. Enjoy more misguided military adventures. Obvious neo-con shill.

Scott Walker - Shady as hell and pretty hated in his own state. Had all sorts of policy blunders and I believe the mainstream disatisfaction with him comes from being inept at budgeting. Imagine him running the entire nation...into the ground.

Marco Rubio - Still not sure what this guy is all about. He seems to flip flop a lot on policies and tries to play up populism. Comes across as disengenuous even for modern day politics. Hispanic sounding last name might dupe some minority voters and white liberals though.

Jeb Bush - Bush family rep. Surely has neo-con loyalties. Don't care how different he or others claim he is. Not buying it.

Rand Paul - tea party affiliations and non establishment support makes him very unlikely. He would probably be the only risk worth taking.

Ted Cruz - Has very strong Bush-Cheney affiliations and was brought up in that environment. Very likely Neo-con shill. His whole platform seems to be based on anti-Obama and little substance. Hispanic last name to dupe some minority voters and white liberals.

Look at all the trash. Just look at it.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 06:31 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

The demographics are just too stacked against the GOP unless the Republicans really get competitive in some of those solidly blue states, they're over 100 electoral votes behind from the start.

I'll be surprised if this turns out to be true, but I guess I cannot rule it out 100%. I still think the most charismatic candidate wins, regardless.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Rand Paul and Jim Webb are the only two candidates worth an acknowledgement.

Everyone else deserves to be contemptuously crushed beneath our heels, and in a sane world, they would be.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 06:45 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Good god almighty just look at this list of potential 2016 candidates.

This is the political version of dumpster diving.

Hillary Clinton - Not going to beat a dead horse here. Might as well elect one of those store mannequins.

Lindsey Graham - Ultra hawk and Israel super advocate. Enjoy more misguided military adventures. Obvious neo-con shill.

Scott Walker - Shady as hell and pretty hated in his own state. Had all sorts of policy blunders and I believe the mainstream disatisfaction with him comes from being inept at budgeting. Imagine him running the entire nation...into the ground.

Marco Rubio - Still not sure what this guy is all about. He seems to flip flop a lot on policies and tries to play up populism. Comes across as disengenuous even for modern day politics. Hispanic sounding last name might dupe some minority voters and white liberals though.

Jeb Bush - Bush family rep. Surely has neo-con loyalties. Don't care how different he or others claim he is. Not buying it.

Rand Paul - tea party affiliations and non establishment support makes him very unlikely. He would probably be the only risk worth taking.

Ted Cruz - Has very strong Bush-Cheney affiliations and was brought up in that environment. Very likely Neo-con shill. His whole platform seems to be based on anti-Obama and little substance. Hispanic last name to dupe some minority voters and white liberals.

Look at all the trash. Just look at it.

As bad as Hillary is (and I hate to say it) she'd be better than Linsday Graham. He or any of the neocon guys will have us arming Ukraine, attacking Iran etc. and just carrying on like Bush II. With a Republican Congress and President at the same time it would be disastrous from a foreign policy perspective. They also tend to seemingly turn into big spending Dems and bigger corporate welfare promoters on the domestic side when they hold both the presidency and congress.

Once again the Rebublicans will probably put forth a sh*tty almost unelectable candidate and this time with the women factor I think a lot of women will have a hard time not pushing the button for "the first woman American president." I hope the media starts in with that angle early on (actually they already have) so that it might end up backfiring with some women and manginas.

We're probably getting a woman president no matter what though - Fauxchahontas (Elizabeth Warren) is waiting in the wings if Hillary's campaign stalls out and the mainstream media would jump on that bandwagon in a heartbeat.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-12-2015 06:48 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Rand Paul and Jim Webb are the only two candidates worth an acknowledgement.

They both have wives who pass the boner test too.

[Image: kelley-ashby-rand-paul-time-100-gala-inside_3624213.jpg]

[Image: webb.jpg]

But in fairness, Hillary's lover isn't too bad.

[Image: Huma-Abedin-and-Hillary-Clinton.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

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